Five More To Parisi
I wish you had told me that you were about to commit suicide
These are the disclaimers of death
That we should have listened to
Before you took your last breath
Every time I leaned in closer to you
And would whisper words into your ear
The ear that I would nibble upon
Whisper words which would hide my profound love for you
But you knew what I meant, when I said every word
Except for the one word
But you knew that I was in love with you
Because I did everything for you
I crossed rivers and climbed mountains for you
I halted the world and put down my bible for you
I was a witness to your running
You tried desperately to depart
You would fiercely make every attempt
To hide the truth and seek an escape
But you would let me in
Your hollow eyes seemed so lost over the years
Kept secrets from everyone with your weeping tears
Everyone thought we were so innocent
No one knew the truth of the despair
How much pain we were in
Or the magnitude of our wrenched hearts
As we longed for each other
And each generator of our creations ignored
Despite us having our finest Sunday sword
I still yearn for you
A thousand times each twilight
And yet still I refuse love
Even when it is so real
Right there in front of me
Echoes of your haunting last plea
I am hopeless with stories of you
When you’d wake up in my arms
Crying in fear of abandonment
Even though the greatest love
Was in front of you
You were ready to ignore another suffering day
Putting treasured ink and voice foremost
Compositions of an unusual ghost
Our hearts were so caliginous
Enemies of each other
Conquering the very life which kept us alive
So near in distance
Impervious emotions
Separated by boundless oceans
You did it before I could even hit the ground
My door was always ajar
And now you have gone too far
So, I wander and walk upon this earth
Lost and broken without you
Blood flows in my veins
Until the day I join you
That day is not today
Five More To Parisi
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Can’t remember the last time I walked steps next to yours
In synch we would walk
Share stories about past loves
Whilst you glistened your lips with ChapStick
And drip last night’s sex from your inner thigh
We’d walk down Flatbush
To the subway
I’d go to work
And you’d get off a stop early
To go back home
While I waited for you
One day more
And covered the windows with plastic
And put a second blanket upon the bed
To keep you warm
Warm at night
It seems like a decade
Since I last saw you
In white
Cloudy skies
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Creamed Pants
Cream stains all over my pants
I remember that summer evening
It was a hot and humid
New York City night
One of those nights I hated completely
One of those nights you loved so compellingly
We sat in the park for hours
Watched the dogs play at dusk
Until, I was quite unaware, the sun set it's last time
Twilight turned a deepening dark
City lights prevented the depth's of midnight to show
But we sat in the heat
And allowed the Hudson's breeze to awaken us
You had a cone and my arm around your shoulder
The stains of my orange creamsicle still exist
These little spots remind me of you
And the twinkle in your eyes
When I first said those three little words
I love you
We had no idea
That come morning's sunrise
I'd be plagued forever
For you
Took your own life
After I said
Good night
Last night
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Putting my obsolete pen to paper
It’s so difficult to do
You’ve vanished into the loneliness vapor
I met you ten years ago
We shared secrets and stories
Last ten I missed you grow
Went back through old emails
I know you’ve left the safe harbor
You’ve put up your last sails
How did love catch an early flight?
When our calendar’s weren’t ready
Your brown eyes were a magical sight
You’ve left us all so incomplete
We memorialize your beauty
Your heart so sweet
A smile of radiance and splendor
I am an obscure friend at a distance
In awe of your heart’s surrender
On my wall hangs a portrait by your brush
You are never to be forgotten
My hand shares the very same crush
Remembering your brightly lit soul
You were the courageous lioness
My vacant heart now has a cavernous hole
So as the cupid drifts into eternity
Know that you are your own captain
Of your forevermore destiny
An artist’s early end
My heart sinks to a lover’s sorrow
An angel will now ascend
© 2013 David Greg Harth
I am weeping inside
Do you taste my tears in your morning cereal?
Do you hear my screams in your evening sleep?
Do you feel my heart trembling beneath your daily footsteps?
Scared in such a terrible fear
I can no longer think straight
Every subject and every errand
Every gesture and every to do
Every moment and every breath
No longer
Can I commit to this existence
Early exodus was always inevitable
As I strangle my cock from too much masturbation
As I slam my migraine-ridden head against the pavement
As I cut off my ears and gouge out my eyes
I cut off my tongue and offer to you
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Bypass the Abyss
I’ve had enough
No more neurological exams
and no more migraines
No more pretending
and no more smoke screens
No more eating donuts behind closed doors
and no more coke
No more uncontrollable masturbating
and no more meaningless sex
No more ignoring my plantar fascia
and no more procrastination
No more missing deadlines
and no more slacking
No more being fat
and no more being stagnant
No more hiding
and no more pointless watching
It’s time to avoid the cataclysmic
It’s time to deflect inevitable
It’s time to bypass the abyss
I’ve had enough of this
No more
I can’t do this any more
But its you that keeps me alive
Only you
And since I haven’t met you yet
I’ll endure this pain a little while longer
© 2013 David Greg Harth
We Wake, We Sleep, We Say
Songs of the morning starlings greet us
Silently the tangerine beams of sunshine awake us
Its light bends around us and keeps us aglow
From the open window a slight breeze tickles the sheer ivory curtains
Making them dance and cast shadows upon our still selves
The scent of jasmine and lilac fills the air
Cherry blossoms sail pass the sill
With my head still calmly against your bosom
I wake next to you
My love that keeps me alive
And keeps me awake
We carry on with our day
Knowing that you walk upon the same earth as I
Life is abundant with small enriching atonements
Time eludes us quickly without warning
Evening reveals itself in its common routine
As the night stars gaze upon us in jealous awe
We say our goodnights
So we may sleep once more
My kiss to you was my very last
For come next dawn
Wake I shall not
I have released you from my grip of affection
And I have escaped from this prison
Into the waters of the state’s divide
© 2013 David Greg Harth
You’ve all become witnesses
Hear me now and hear me clear
Time has come and time is near
All before me now have come to this ritual moment
When time collides with existence
Mind leaves inclination at a distance
This space between becomes unnatural
Filled with fire and rage
Motionless and trapped in a cage
You wanted truth and honesty
From the deepest crux, I gave you all
My ship has departed, carried on this mammoth squall
As the ocean always does
Put up your walls and keep your locks
I shall voyage until I find new docks
Embers always glowing
A tortured soul brings awareness
Covering the innocent from bareness
Wait for the arbitrator and wait for the guardian
I pull off my cloak and lie down upon these rails
The purest heart now sails
Judge me now
For no matter my shortcoming
I’m dissolving into nothing
Dismissed into eternity
Ideal time to be fleeing
Terminated from being
Until we meet again
My limbs disconnected
Until I’m resurrected
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Alone (LAX)
I’m alone in this airport
I’m at the
Los Angeles International Airport
No one is here
It’s middle of the day
No one to be found
There are no planes
And no captains
There are no passengers
And no luggage
There are no tickets
And no goodbyes
No departures
And no arrivals
Just emptiness
Open runways
Stopped conveyer belts
Parked trucks
Chilled beverages
Closed gates
And a vacant heart
I’m alone
Where is everyone?
What happened?
I’m alone
Waiting to be filled
By you
© David Greg Harth
I Saw Her Once, I Saw Her Twice
I saw her once,
I saw her twice
I took out the tin from the locked safe
It held my heart in hidden isolation
From the last till this day
It’s time to surrender to temptation
Seduction has begun
This heart of mine is no longer concealed
The curtain has fallen
I’ve put down my armor and relinquished my shield
I saw her once,
I saw her twice
First she became a vision
I’m captured and I surrender
Future approaches
Soft kisses tender
Second she became a memory
I’m still and charmed
Standing here with extended hands
Seized with curiosity and unarmed
Third sighting unseen
This story is revealing and untold
Prediction may yield true
This tale will certainly unfold
I saw her once,
I saw her twice
I’ll see her thrice
Her beauty is my vice
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Lift Your Bacon
Pull aside your lips
Release the bacon
For I am the pig
Who eats his own self
Pull aside your lips
Part your hips
For I am the pig
Who eats his own self
I’m the cannibal
At the foot of your bed
I drool at your toes
And hope for your leftovers
Pull aside your sheets
Allow me to enter
I’m going to eat you
And I am the pig
© 2013 David Greg Harth
He cannot be satisfied
He seeks multiple partners
Of all ages and all races
He wants to watch
And wants to be watched
He keeps track of what states
He keeps track of what countries
He photographs, he videos, he sketches
He fantasizes, he remembers, he repeats
He pushes, he pulls, he rubs
He needs it like a drug
So deeply seeded
It has become part of his every day hour
Making pornography
Watching pornography
Living pornography
He searches and seeks
He cannot be satisfied
Doesn’t matter who you are
No matter your talent
No matter your drive
For he is the monster
With a monster
He is the sex monster
He is me
I am the sex monster
And the sex monster is me
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Mourners come from afar
Men marched with bagpipes down crowded streets
Crows groan haunting caws
Grey skies covered the monolith buildings of New York
The papers read
"He is dead. He is dead."
Nothing more was needed to be said
Each friend and each lover
Came to pay their respect
Passing in
And passing out
His casket could not be opened
Because death from a broken heart
Is the most gruesome death of all
© 2013 David Greg Harth
I was in love with you
Everyone in our worlds knew it
My faithful affection was true
Ever since you abandoned me
I’ve been trapped in my own prison
Each night I make a wailing plea
I have been unable to repair
This shattered lifeless heart
Nor pull myself from this unbearable despair
Without you I cannot exist
For uncovered reasons
I have slit my wrist
Do not fear
I’ve written you a poem to remember me by
Maybe now you’ll shed a tear
This is not that verse
But if I am dead
Things cannot be worse
Ponder this last ballad
Now that I am gone
I have become invalid
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Never See You Again
As promised
As committed
As agreed upon
As it was written
What if grey clouds told truth?
And I kept each fallen tooth?
What if every time a bell rang I headed down south?
And locusts came out of my mouth?
What if the frozen land consumed me whole?
And my heart was given back to me which you stole?
What if venom was my copulating fluid that you swallowed?
And from now until eternity your shadow was followed?
What if the gates were closed upon arrival?
And your lies prevented you from your own survival?
As promised
As committed
As agreed upon
As it was written
I’ll never see you again
This is our fate
While every human
Will sit around and wait
Waiting for death
And waiting for love
What if the grey clouds told truth?
And I gave you my last breath?
As promised
As committed
As agreed upon
As it was written
Never see you again
© 2013 David Greg Harth
Saying Goodbye
For dozens of years, I’ve whispered your name
No matter how many times you’ve disappeared
The dreadful day approaches the same
Beneath these falling snow flakes
I separate the clouds and part the seas
When I’m in love, I never halt the brakes
So, when I hover over you in your deepest sleep
Share secrets of my heart with your dreams
Do not fear and do not weep
For I’ve come to guide you and rescue you
My honest chivalry and sublime passion
Worn on my sleeve, shown through and through
Before I depart
Know my veracity
I loved you more than my art
Once more I shall see your seductive eyes
I shall put up my sail and be on my way
After we say our last goodbyes
© 2013 David Greg Harth
The Moment
The moment
When your infatuation becomes love
When your addiction becomes love
The moment
When your expenditure becomes love
When your every breadth becomes love
The moment
When your averted crisis becomes love
When your best friend becomes love
These are the moments
That bring tears to my eyes –
That drown me into the darkest and deepest
Most emotional area of fate
Of my most fragile state
The moment
When your selling of art becomes love
When your subject becomes love
The moment
When your game playing becomes love
When your courtship becomes love
The moment
When your crush becomes love
When your date becomes love
These are the moments
That bring tears to my eyes –
That bring sorrow to my heart
And shatter the stars
Which heal my internal scars
The moment
When your fantasy become love
When your secret becomes love
The moment
When your own shadow becomes love
When your own name becomes love
The moment
When your facts become love
When your history becomes love
These are the moments
That bring tears to my eyes –
When an arrow pierces through and through
When no escape from the inevitable is near
And all you can do is surrender to every tear
The moment
When your blindness becomes love
When your consumption becomes love
The moment
When your expiration becomes love
When your experience becomes love
The moment
When your reasoning becomes love
When your existence becomes love
These are the moments
That bring tears to my eyes –
When the pain is unbearable
When your constant objections
And your truth become my reflections
The moment
When your last choice is your own decision
When your only choice is your only decision
And when you're in love
There is no other choice
But is to follow it with everything you've got
That moment
That is “The” moment.
© 2013 David Greg Harth
A Dozen Times
A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.
A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.
I lurk in the shadows
Peering at you from hidden corners
I play hide and seek with your emotions
Pretending your heart is an elevator to enlightenment
I’ve been told I’ll be alone forever
Unless I sort out these variety packs
Alter these habitual habits of yesterday
Change my ways of nocturnal exploration
A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.
A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.
I rise up on infatuation highs
Like the heroin I shot up
Drink my sorrows into oblivious slurs
Look at myself in the magic mirror
Each woman I’ve fallen in love with
Takes me for a poetic journey
Damaging my epicenter unintentionally
With their intentional misguidance
A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.
A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.
Our story was the greatest secret untold
From the suicidal agreement
To the exchange of self-inflicted disease
The bearings of direction kept us straight
I’ve filed a counter suit
I’m filling charges against you
Bringing in the law
And the men in finest suits
A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.
A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.
Our lives flashed before us
We were headed for a collision course
The consumers and commuters saw it
Sisters knew truths and mothers too
We both wished for something beautiful
But our loss was greater than our gains
The destruction of our consciousness
Became the focal point of our existence
A dozen times I’ve told you that I love you.
A dozen times you’ve rejected my claim.
A dozen times I tried to forget you
A dozen times I tried to leave you
A dozen times I tried to love you
A dozen times I tried to mend you
© 2012 David Greg Harth
There Were Three
I can name all three of them
There were three women
From different mothers
And in their own time
During their own lives
They destroyed the very heart
That existed deep inside me
I can name all three of them
These women were filled
With such passion and intellect
Each one radiated with a fire
Of care and talent
Each totally different than the other
Yet similar in fate
I can name all three of them
I will not speak of their name to you
I will not yield any hints as to who they are
But there were three thus far
Who annihilated by heart
Who obliterated the very core of what made me beat
I can name all three of them
They each stole my heart
Each woman was strong yet innocent
Each woman was filled with luring deception
I can name all three of them
For each took a dagger to my heart
Each tore the flesh off my bones
And each stabbed me with the thrusting of a bayonet
I can name all three of them
There is one extreme similarity to all three
It is not their name nor origin
It is not their hair color nor residence
It is not their eye color nor height
It is not their occupation or ethnicity
Rather I fell in love with each of them
Before —
I can name all three of them
And they can name me
With confidence
Your name will be the name I whisper
That I take with me into the shadows
During the death that I decide to lead
© David Greg Harth