M, 2021 - 25 David Harth M, 2021 - 25 David Harth

My Favorite Sounds

Here is a short list of some of my favorite sounds::

Rain on metal (Rain on a metal roof or car hood or window air conditioner)

Lawn mower / mowing of a lawn

Gravel roads / foot steps on a gravel road or a moving car’s tires slowly moving on gravel road

Children on a playground / children’s laughter while playing on a playground or in a swimming pool

Subway rushing through a tunnel, not at the station, but when the subway is traveling through the depths of a tunnel

My cat’s purr

Crickets chirping in the dark night

The systematic rhythmic beeps in a hospital 

Trees swaying in the wind after a storm at dusk

Rustle of leaves

An oscillating fan

The sound of a crackling (controlled) fire. Like a fire in a fireplace or fire pit.

Wind chimes; especially during a sunlit afternoon with temperature around 70F and especially when lightly napping

A snow plow plowing snow on the street at night

Church bells ringing in the distance

The Muslim call to prayer over an audio system

Howling wind at night outside a window

© 2024 David Greg Harth

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S, 2021 - 25 David Harth S, 2021 - 25 David Harth

She Came Inside







































& Peak







She’s going inside

And inside she went

I opened wide

And she came inside

© 2024 David Greg Harth

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I, 2021 - 25 David Harth I, 2021 - 25 David Harth

I Love Your Disaster

Your disaster is a hurricane

Twirling fiercely inside you

With untamable winds that refuse to rest

You birth calm out of chaos

Your disaster is a wildfire

Furious and free, shining bright in the night

Always burning without fear of going out

You shed light in forever darkness

Your disaster is a flood

Filling all dusty plains and dry deserts

With midnight visions and journey dreams

You bring beauty out of loss

Your disaster is a volcano

With explosive rage of molten rock

Shooting and seeping and penetrating

You drape your heart around new growth 

Your disaster is a landslide

Aborting trees from their roots

Bequeathing paths of destruction down mountains

You conquer previous footsteps with optimism


Your disaster is an avalanche

Denying to obey gravity

Turning echoing canyons into whisperings graves

You keep serenity to hidden tempers

Your disaster is a tornado

Erasing shadows from the horizon

Catapulting life across valleys of death

You rotate the righteousness with empathy

Your disaster is an earthquake

Raging tremors crack to reveal weaknesses

Refusing resistance from the toughest structures

You always end with reconstruction generously

Your disaster is a tsunami

Torturing the unsuspecting innocent

With fury and rampage crashing upon the shore

You erase pain from solitary abyss

Your disaster is a blizzard

Blinding routes of egress

Icing and freezing without retribution

You bring children guided hope about tomorrow

Your disaster is a pandemic

Breeching agreements among the swan songs of the living

Challenging reasoning of the educated

You infect worldly ideas uninvited

Your disaster is war

Catastrophic at the very core

Edges and cults and riches and ideas

You shake disillusion aside with executed harmony

© 2024 David Greg Harth

2024. (Mohonk Mountain House)


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2021 - 25, M David Harth 2021 - 25, M David Harth

Masturbation Marathon

I woke up aroused

I knew how today’s events would unfold

And I go right to it

I put on my cock ring

It wraps under my big balls

It wraps around the base of my big cock



I lay on the couch

Pull down my pants

And just spread out

And start stroking

I look at photos

And watch porn

And look at photos

And watch porn

And stroke








I edge myself

I get myself super hard

Super erect

I’m bulging and thick and throbbing and purple

I stop myself just before exploding a hot cum load

I take myself down

I slow down

Easy does it



And then I find my rhythm again

I look at photos

I look at porn

I intoxicate myself with stimulation

Over and over I stroke my thick hard cock

Over and over I stroke

Until just before I cum

And stop

Pre-Cum is on the tip of my cock


I rub my finger on the tip






It’s still so early in the morning

Not even 8am

I should be somewhat productive today

Don’t you think?

I decide its time to take a shower

I get into the shower

Hot soapy wet water

Pouring all over down my body

Making me slippery



Super aroused

And hard

I put soap in my hand

And grasp my fat cock

And start stroking

Everything is so slippery

It feels like the real thing

It feels like I’m inside

It feels like I’m inside a tight wet pussy

I stroke

I stroke

I stroke

I’m about to cum

I’m about to shoot a load

And I bring myself down

Easy does it

I stop myself

And repeat

I stroke again

And again

Until I’m fully erect

And my cock is super purple

As if it’s about to explode

Burst blood

Explosion of sensory overload

I stop myself again

I collect my thoughts

I exit the shower

I dry off

The day progresses

I’m on the bed

I’m on the couch

I’m on a chair

I’m in the shower

I masturbate hours upon hours

I masturbate continuously

I’m edging myself for hours

I’m naked. Or clothed. Or partially clothed.

Or my cock is just slipped out of my jeans

I’ll twist

And I’ll turn

I’ll tremble

And I’ll resist

I watch porn

I look at photos

I use my imagination

I think of her and her and her and her

Then I think of her and her and her and her

I remember the time

I think of the time

I only take short breaks

For the bathroom

For quick snacks

No time for breakfast

No time for lunch

No time for dinner

Only time to stroke

For hours

I whip it out

For hours and hours

I stroke my throbbing thick hard cock!




I’m so hard

Take it easy

Bring yourself down



Calm down

Everything is calm

I hear whispers

I hear the refrigerator buzz

An outside noise

Sounds of the city

But I’m too horny

Can’t focus

Must touch myself

Getting aroused

I look at porn

I look at photos

I’m at it again


Over and over




I can’t take it anymore

It’s been 2 hours

4 hours

6 hours

8 hours

10 hours

I got up at 5am

And now its 6pm

And now its 10pm

And now its midnight

I’ve been stroking my hard cock for 18 hours straight

For 18 hours

I didn’t do anything


But pull back

And pull forth

Pull back

And pull forth

All energy 


On my cock

All eyes on my cock

My hand on my cock

Drooling on my cock

Squeezing on my cock

Cock ring on my cock

All day on my cock

It’s been too long

I must focus

I must get on with life

I stroke

I stroke

I grasp my cock

I stroke

I stroke my throbbing thick cock




I finally cum my hot creamy load!

I’m at ease

I am calm

I am calm

I can sleep

I go to bed


© 2024 David Greg Harth

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R, 2021 - 25 David Harth R, 2021 - 25 David Harth


No one to blame

Not a moment

Not a person

Battled the pain



No caffeine

No alcohol

No day time fantasies

No time to keep track of

Salty tears

Floating upon the Dead Sea

Memories of Nazareth

Feet bleeding in pain

Knees fallen


Wishes of seppuku

Following footsteps

Gray & Blake 

And all the coffees unknown

Anitra & Noah

And all the forgotten friends

No Ark I want to be in

Vomiting the poisonous 

No neighbor

No pen to compose

Everyone thought

Would not leave

Would not write

Would not call

Eye; I see, I am

Epic tales

Of fallen heroes

No presidential moment

No van Gogh

I did not invent

Nor did I escape

All I did was 



Remember my name

Etched in history

Sunken ships


Of consciousness


© 2024 David Greg Harth

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S, 2021 - 25 David Harth S, 2021 - 25 David Harth

Sleepless Nights










tie knot







night shade














© 2024 David Greg Harth

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I, 2021 - 25 David Harth I, 2021 - 25 David Harth

In The Absence

Lean in a little closer

I brush the hair away from your ear

My lips part and I send you a whispering postcard

© 2024 David Greg Harth

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E, 2021 - 25 David Harth E, 2021 - 25 David Harth


I have so many errands to run

Running the errands 

And remembering the runs

I ran the memories

And I remembered the errands

© 2024 David Greg Harth

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2021 - 25, B David Harth 2021 - 25, B David Harth

Black Skies

Secret whispers fell from the sky

Diluted in the puddles on the empty roads


Dreams rode the waves that crashed upon the shore

They broke apart as they smashed upon the jagged rocks


Ideas burning flesh from bones

Empty hearts filled with charcoal


Hatred breeding the glorious cowards

Now mothers of tomorrow’s generation


An avalanche of darkness covers meadows of delusion

Conquered barren skulls with not a moment’s last breath


Left over gods with no sermons or lectures

No spells, no tales, no disciples, no rōnin

No bee hive, no vessel, no fuselage, no urn

No power exchange, no bound wrists,

no unseen ward, no conversation spoken

No mausoleum, no resurrection,

No temptation, no river birth

Just the black skies

Which now cover this earth


© 2024 David Greg Harth


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2021 - 25, B David Harth 2021 - 25, B David Harth

The Beginning

I find it most difficult to start

But once you start, everything falls into place


Sorting things out

Organizing tasks

Repeating false memories

Playing a song for the morning swans

Inevitable fears cancelled

Enveloped cash memories

Planning estates

Meal preparation

Canceling the services


Coming to attention

Ocean waves crashing

Couldn’t compare

Couldn’t comprehend


Found something to eat

Complaints written down

Asked for a gun

Got sweet plantains

Asked for an extension

Got a wooden box


The most difficult part is starting


The hardest part is always the start


© 2024 David Greg Harth


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2021 - 25, A David Harth 2021 - 25, A David Harth

Among The Forgotten

Questions left unanswered

Always a mystery why he left so soon

No written note or epic story to read

Just scattered belongings to piece together


Questions left unanswered

He was alone and lonely

She was the very cloud

Swept him into a rescued eternity


Questions left unanswered

Sometimes actions cannot be prevented

No matter the day of the week

Or time the sun rises


Questions left unanswered

Each community slightly more empty

An art world untouched

Never forgiven but always forgotten


© 2024 David Greg Harth

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2021 - 25, C David Harth 2021 - 25, C David Harth

Cookies & The Radio

She sat me down

Bandaged up my knee

Trio walked off into the morning sun

Most important objects of all

Anywhere in the world right here

Right now, in her back pack

She’s got the cookies

She’s got the radio

And away we go –

© 2023 David Greg Harth

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M, 2021 - 25 David Harth M, 2021 - 25 David Harth

Mr. Mr. Clock

Clock strikes 4pm.

Clock came racing down.

Didn’t know the race was on.

Didn’t know the dust had settled.

Didn’t know my scent was left lingering.

I was just seated. Alone. Lonesome. Lonely. Single.


I was just seated. Honored. Guarded. Walled. Single.

You came along. Brought your broom. Brought your dust bin.

Here we are and the clock strikes 4pm

In love, 

My heart goes –

Tick Tick Tick Tick

In love,

My heart goes –

On forever

Because I’m the man without a clock.

I’m the man without time.

Because I’ve been bought and I’ve been sold.

I’ve been living on borrowed time.

It’s 4pm.

Time to get wed.

© 2022 David Greg Harth

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L, 2021 - 25 David Harth L, 2021 - 25 David Harth

List of 10: Concerts I’ve been too

1. U2

2. The Who

3. The Rolling Stones

4. Nine Inch Nails

5. Bruce Springsteen

6. David Bowie

7. James

8. Leonard Cohen

9. Pete Seeger

10. Madonna


Note: Concerts are listed in random order, not chronologically.


© 2022 David Greg Harth

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J, 2021 - 25 David Harth J, 2021 - 25 David Harth

Just Like That

And just like that

The loaf of bread is gone!

No more crumbs

No more bread

No more for you

No more for me

Just like that!


© 2022 David Greg Harth

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M, 2016 - 20 David Harth M, 2016 - 20 David Harth

Mayor Scott

This plague has come upon us

It’s no common New York rodent

And I know you’ve witnessed a lot

Bullet holes and gentrification

Cracked sidewalks and burning houses

Nothing previously made you transition to the Lord so fast

In the end it was deadly COVID-19

That guided your journey past

A dozen years of conversations

Neighborhood discussions

Wishing wells and grilling smells

Firecrackers and insanity pleas

Seen you daily at sunrise

and you’ve seen me daily at dusk

Seen you dapper

and you’ve seen me somber

Seen you filled with laughter

and you’ve seen me with my love

Gardening yards

that were not yours

Hugging children

that were not yours

Helping elderly

that were not yours

Fending crooks

that were not yours

Hellos & Goodbyes

that were always ours

Good days & bad days

that were always ours

You’ll be missed

Oh, great Mayor of the block

May you rest in peace

Oh, great Mayor of the block

© 2020 David Greg Harth


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F, 2016 - 20 David Harth F, 2016 - 20 David Harth

False Artist

“False Artist”

I am a false artist

I am a fraud

A fake

I’m a scam, a cheat, a dupe

Bogus and phony – Shit

I am invalid

I’m such a fake fucking artist

I’m a coward

With knees shaking at the entrance

Graphite on my fingers

The scent of oils in my mouth

Angst of the unaffordable

Torn and twisted of what is attainable


Drenched in tears

Claimed to be without fears

Often lying in pain from my man made disease

Studio walls close in on you

Art supplies come crashing down

You sink in the quicksand

Swallowing your last stand

And you give up

So easily you surrender

Because you’re a fake fucking artist

Making up deadlines

Drawing portraits and lines and lines and more damn lines

Coughing up blood

Oozing a better symphonic plea

Born in Canaan

Got hit by a landslide and walked once more

My spine raddled

Spew forth the nightmares of encephalitis

A snake’s autosarcophagy has become my wet dream

Poisoned by the hollow promises of 213 feet

I am a false artist

I am a fraud

A fake, an invalid

© 2019 David Greg Harth


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B, 2016 - 20 David Harth B, 2016 - 20 David Harth


Temptation of sorrow elevated me to great spans

It was the crusade that kept me afloat

Ferocious venom from my inner beast

See me thrash, and see me live

I marched on

Like an unclaimed warrior

Chivalry was my badge of honor

Midnight trysts were a common theme

Rich stories of being lost on the streets with ghosts

Often seen abandonment as the only option

Through the strongest tides pulling me

And the howling winds pushing me

It has been an exhaustive search

Twisted side arrived

Seated in the round with compassion

Repeating sparrow sung my symphonic song

In pride, I march down the witnesses’ aisle of disbelief

Letters penned, calls made, paintings painted

Hunting for a waltz in the city of music

Pierced through until the end

Swallow my limited time

Release the paired doves

Call out the sun and call out the moon

Announce the truth and close the books

The scorched chariot waits for the both of us

Her lips reeled me in

Her mind seized my heart

Her hips peeled back my senses

Her empathy captured my everything

I’ve been broken for over four decades

But now that she is with me

I am no longer broken

I am fixed

© 2018 David Greg Harth

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T, 2016 - 20 David Harth T, 2016 - 20 David Harth

These Hard Earned Tears

Infant eyes intimidated reason

Incubated empty dreams into emerging concepts

Grown out of lust and melancholy

Howling wind filled vacant hearts with rage

Chasing love on the storm’s wave

Echoing pleas from the drowning sea

Treading each territory with new hope

With constant loss and destroyed visions

Testimonials will recall the tale

As it was told and as it was captured

Surrendered to the fulfilled dream

His leman has the evidence

Last flight never forgotten

An abrupt end executed from desire

© 2017 David Greg Harth

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2016 - 20, F David Harth 2016 - 20, F David Harth

The Fall Of Heaven



The rickety rackety of the train kept me up all night

Rickey rackety, rickety rackety

The train would sway back and forth

As we catapulted straight for long stretches

Rickey rackety, rickety rackety

Then, grasp onto your seat!

We’d almost be jumping off the tracks

As the train would bend around a sharp curve

The blinds would titter tatter, titter tatter

Wind rushing inside the rail car


Rustling my hair about with dirt and dust

Dirt and dust




Twelve flights up

I would gnaw at my restraints

Attempting to escape

This internal prison where I was held hostage

Vanquish out the demons that would possess my mind

The bondage was ironclad

I’d scrape my fingernails on the wooden door

Edging splinters deeper beneath my skin

Peering at the intersection down below

Hoping for an interrupted fall

Scolded for stroking

Living on yesterday’s potatoes




Behind the teacher’s desk

We exchanged gifts for Valentine’s Day

I gave her a tiny box of sugary candy with pre-printed messages

Various colored hearts with words I never wrote

She gave me a much larger box in the shape of a heart

With individually wrapped chocolates

Each with a different delicate presentation

And unique taste memorable impression

And I wore blush for that photo

And I wore blush for that photo

Can’t you see?




Walking back empty handed

Along the long gravel road

Hands bloody

My forehead dripping

Precum at the tip of my –

Walking aimlessly

Trying to locate my plot

Helpless before the sun rises once more

I’ve had my faults

And I’ve given my apologies

I’ve had my excuses

My lies and presumptions

But this dedication

After my heart was demolished

© 2017 David Greg Harth

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