T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


push them

bleed them

take it to utopia

an internal

a love of everlasting

give more

take more

i can see the light

but you stand in the shadow

i’m chained

you don’t let me see

you don’t let me in

i want it more and more

i can have it

i don’t know how to have it

i can be in it

i don’t know how to be in it


at my side

or at my wrists

around my head

spike in my heart

my tears roll down

for you

for you whom I do not know






© 1997 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


reach out

touch it

caress it

upon it

love it

fuck it

make it



come here

you can see

you can sit

you can lay

come here


fuck it

the bed


chain up


satin or silk

bed of roses

slim white

black and gold

silver shines

wet promises

fantasies complete



desire a must

competition a lust

make love

make a new



times of the past

moments of the future

the now in my eyes

me in your eyes



take chances

love the lust

curves of such

hair and lean in

toward the shadow

candle beside

the cotton pillow




feel it up

above the shore line


make no promise

propose if you will

in my bed

or yours


baby and child

nurse thy breast

suck thy nipple

suck thy dick





put up no front



make a stand

reach for that heaven

with one another

you can be one

see a time

where all can be shared

a dream

a bed

a bed


© 1997 David Greg Harth

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H, 1996 - 00 David Harth H, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Jesus Christ

a superstar

He parted those seas

red of blood

Moses, my hero

The army men

shot down

The cross

burn him bad

I love that beach

where you have been

sitting in the sun

no religion too

it’s easy if you try

so, try it

you’ll like it

art is fun

for you and me

put me aside

at your side

feel the warmth

the image


your eyes


woman of the night

penetrate my mind

invade thy thought

come inside

the darkness is yours tonight


your eyes

mystery is your middle name

sea of rust

sea of dust

take me now

to that peaceful place

full of butterflies

and blue jay birds

full of dandelions

and sunflowers too


take me to that beach

where you lay upon

show me the way

to your heart

maybe I’ll discover

what i never believed in

maybe I’ll discover


turn on the light

after the night

turn on the light

after the shag

light up a ciggie

take a glass

of water tonight



sleep tonight

sleep without me...

sleep with me...

cuddle in my arms....











a hug is yours...






© 1997 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

For You

Feel the wind

Take you there

Feel the thigh

Feel you there


Feel the sunshine

Upon your chest

Upon my breast


See those colors

The ones you cannot imagine

I make them for you

I give them to you

For you

I would die


For you I would revolt

I would make pain

I would conquer the world

For you


For you I would climb

I would dive

I would divide

I would render

I would shoot

I would kill

For you


For you I would be wind

I would be time

and the womb which you protect


For you I would be the rain

I would be the fire

And the hurt which you feel


For you I would be the mirror

The reflection of your hatred

The reality of life

The wonders of birth

For you



For you I would tear at myself

I would rip apart

Seal the insides

And give you my pride

For you


For you no secrets are allowed

No possessions are understood

No time without you is real



For you one cannot hold

For you one cannot be

For you I would die


I would take you

To feel the wind

Upon my breast

Your holy chest

Upon the Cross

Where my father had died


For you

I would create sunshine

And pour the rain

Down your back


For you

I would love






© 1997 David Greg Harth

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H, 1996 - 00 David Harth H, 1996 - 00 David Harth


It is

a reverend

a priest

a god


It is

a holy one

a rabbi

a leader


It is

a follower

a bird

a gargoyle


It is


a dream

an inspiration


It is

a thorn

a gripping hold

a terrible fear

teeth sharp

fear it

you thrill it

you fuck it

but it still keeps coming back




fucks you over




explodes in your face

in front of god

demand the american flag

forever it is yours



the sucka

reach that cross

take off those hoods

bow to thy feet

kiss my ass

fuck me hard


Cross it up

hang him down

portray that breast

on a silver platter

for my very best feast


Then it hits you

in all its glory

red, white, and blue

the demanding rain


loud, bang bang bang


Then it hits you

it is the thief of your heart

my little devil friend

i conquer you

fuck your soul

take you higher

to the plateau of utopia

beyond the land

across sea to sea

fuckin’ shining


It is


and religious


and real


It is


and mine


and hers


It is

behind and in front

below and above

in the dark and in the light


You like it

you have a great thirst for it

you are hungry for it

you ache for it

it is a cock

a pussy


It is words


what is it?

what is it not?


Is it a question?

an answer?

a goal?

a completion?

a pleasure?

a poem?

a destination?


Find it

be it

fuck it

feel it

see it

hear it

smell it

taste it



and only then



you will understand



he is talking about

he is about

he is




Who is that he??




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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O, 1996 - 00 David Harth O, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Ocean Space Is Where I Wait

Jesus or Moses

Seas and deserts

Among the rocks

Among the steam ships

Among the trains

And the radars that break barriers

Through the wires

Through the regions

We all bow

We all look up

Though even though I do not

Nor do he

I thank all that do for me

And those who do not


Among the bench

Among the ground

Among that mountainside

Among that cloud

We must reach it

That destination

Between that plain

Of imagination and destiny

Of fantasy and desire

Of truth and fiction

Of race and creed

Of sex and religion

Of death and life

Of morals and horror


Among the common ground

Among that sandbar

There is an ocean

Where we once belonged too


An ocean of colors

Of twinkles and currents

Of a surplus of stars

And spacious lives

An ocean of wonders

Of delicate beings

Of a generation undiscovered

And limitless time


Among that time

I will be there

Waiting for thy to come

Waiting for something real

I continue

I always wait

Until I die

Until I die


One day,

Many people will say,

“I wish it was me, and not him.”





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth

What is ‘peace’ anyways?

Peace is a dream

An impossible possibility

A possible impossible

A nightmare

A fantasy

A desire


Peace is a thought

A rainbow of colors

A rainbow

Of religion

Origin, sex, culture, belief

Of skin, size, shape, control


Peace is death

A tree

A butterfly

A connection


Peace is mine

And yours too

Peace is over there

As well as here


Peace is being dead

Or alive

At the right place

Right time


Peace is a dream

A dream to become true

A true dream

Very real


I have made peace and so can you

Martin Luther King Jr.

John F. Kennedy

Jesus and Moses

Rosa Parks

and Georgia O'Keeffe

John Lennon

Martha Graham

Maya Angelou

and Betty Ford

Harriet Tubman

Gloria Steinem

Harvey Milk

and all the people at the shopping mall


I have made peace and so can you

Help me help you.

Help yourself

Your poor self

Find it

Deep inside



Then you can make it

Make it possible

Start from within

Listen do not hear

Speak do not talk

Reach do not fade

Touch do not feel

Love do not preach

Peace do not peace

Peace do not peace







© 1997 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


lather it up

soap it up

that strong thing

do what you do best

in leather and lace

make everything nice


fuck it up

up the ass

or in the hole

fuck it up


tonight, we will last

a forever bleeding wound

under the midnight sky

between the thundering thigh

tonight, we will last


reach inside

deep under the sheet

reach for that meat

reach inside


do not be afraid

be an animal

be with me


in the bed

or in the car

in the shower

or in the kitchen

in the park

or in the theater

be with me




you are the one

in mind and spirit

you are the one



so soft

angel wings

devil eyes

let me caress your

ever slender curves

let me explore

your gentle holes

let me inside

deep inside





tonight, is for you.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

Read More
W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth


It’s the fire inside

The feeling inside

The change among us

The squirrel at the tree


It’s the fire inside

The butterflies in love

The sun on your chest

The rhythm and beat

The music of your feet


It’s the fire inside

The flame in the heart

The passion under the covers

The toasted marshmallow


It’s the fire inside

The better place

The real place

You and I

He and she


It’s the fire inside

Beyond a certain point

A boil of love

A boil of desire


It’s the fire inside

The warmth

Can you feel it

The depth

Every feeling

Every inch

The warmth inside

The fire inside


It’s the fire inside

The religion

The lust

The shared thoughts

The shadows

The clouds


It’s the fire inside

The warmth



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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L, 1996 - 00 David Harth L, 1996 - 00 David Harth


It is me

And you




I am alone

But never lonely

Share a will

Comprehend a thought

Make a dream real



It is where the heart

Is empty




Full of pain


And joy



It is


and art


and dance


and life


and birth

love and




It is what I have inside

For I cannot find

It is what I have deep

For I cannot complete

It is what I hold onto

For I have its grip

It is a beauty of mine

For I pray to it nightly

It is a hunger

A thirst

A hope

For I am one

And for me

There is one



It’s what you think

What you cannot even

Bare to imagine

No one knows

But I am not he

Only he

Only them


Woman or Man





Please show me the way

Beneath the sea

Part the ocean

Lead the way

I want your hand

Guide me out

Take my kiss

As I love you

My loneliness


By your beauty






© 1997 David Greg Harth

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V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Well, there is

This one

And that one

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


That version is the best

It feels good, looks good, is good

That version is the best


Well, some are odd

Some are evil

And some do not work

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


That version is the best

It is like a glorious sunset

Or two love birds chirping

Or a butterfly’s pattern

That version is the best


Some of them break me

Some of them make me weak

Or can even kill me

But the one I love most

Is always the one I’m in


It is like fire

Wind and water

A tornado of lust

A hurricane that sweeps you away

Off your feet, to new heavens

And new worlds


That version is the best

The one I’m in

The one I live for

The one I lay beside

Run to and find

The one I cherish and hold

That version is the best


Like a candle

Erect in position

Sturdy of nature

Blessing at whole

That version is the best

And that is the one I love most

The one I’m in



Through jokes and laughs

Tears and pain

Through heights and lows

Mirrors and horrors

Through tunnels and valleys

Mountains and clouds

Through deserts and oceans

Jungles and plains

That version is the best


The version that is best

That is the one I love

The version I’m in

Is the one I love

That version

Is always the best for me

Because I am in it

And they are not




© 1997 David Greg Harth

Read More
H, 1996 - 00 David Harth H, 1996 - 00 David Harth

A Holy One

A holy one


Full of life, and death

Mine for the taking

You for the giving

I love to give

And tonight,

I give you me.


Ride me thru the night

High above me

Rock above me

On my cock

My hard dick

Fuck me hard

Bounce your tits

Lick me

Suck me

Fuck me


And I will cum

And you will see

That you have won.


[Yeah, right, you’ll never win, but you can fuck me anyway]




© 1996 David Greg Harth

Read More
A, 1996 - 00 David Harth A, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Help me

As I lay here

I am dying slowly

You all know

I am in red

Covered in red

I am going down

In a hail of bullets

Like JFK and MLK

I wish I was Gandhi

I wish I was him

I wish I was Indian

I wish I was a spider

I wish I was a wolf

I wish I was a refrigerator

I wish I was you and not me

For I am dying

And you are not

I am dying

And you know

You are not helping

And neither are you

I plea

Take me to Neuro 12

You think I am wrong

When 33 is my number

She offered 200

I offered 300 to he

She was Bi, and he did not leave

He thought I was in the middle

I slammed on the car

I killed that cat

I brought him a squirrel

I eat the dead

And take from the living

I committed

I must be admitted

I will crush you all

With my teeth

Check my back

There is a knife back there

The Beatles are back

And I am crossing Abbey Road

Under 3 seconds

And I will kill you


So, help yourself

Help me

Do not let me cross that bridge



I will cross the bridge

I will meet my lover

I will dive


Dive into heaven off the roof

Dive into my lover

My lover is death




Who is my lover?


I will tell you;





If I could, I would fuck death

If I could, I would fuck art





If I could, I would make world peace

I will,

by killing





© 1996 David Greg Harth

Read More
U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (I Take You)

I take you by the front

I take you by the rear

I take you in arms

And behold

Wrap around, no rape will occur

I take you by the flesh

I tear at your skin

I choke you alive

As I shove my cock deep inside


I ram my thick meat

Up your juicy cunt

I eat away at your soul

Before you can cum

I eat at your breasts

Before you can scream

I eat at your mind

Before you can breathe


I fuck you

Harder and harder

As one can get

I ram my pistol

My pistol of love

Deep inside your tight pink pussy hole.


As “So Cruel” plays

I flow with the motion

On every beat

You receive my meat

On every beat

You bow down to my feet


I fuck you slowly

After the harsh

I fuck you slowly

Not because I love you

Not because you are sexy

Not because I want to fuck you hard

But because you are my friend




© 1996 David Greg Harth

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P, 1996 - 00 David Harth P, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Sadness throughout the land

One man can save all the dead souls

He comes in the night, all in black

An artist of many trades

Strong in heart

He comes in the night, and repetition of glory

An artist of many thoughts


Sadness will come in death valley

Across the sea

All who float

Are dead at his feet

He will come to save us

My Lord

He will show no mercy


My Lord

He will come to save us all

The Devil himself

The Angel himself

It is such a beautiful day

Drinks are offered

On the beach

Walk the dog

Never be raped

Read a book

I will suck

Your Blood until you are dry

Take the goodness

I will kill myself

Goodnight forever

I am dying

Over and over

I am slowly dying


I am rotting away

The drugs

The perfume

The hell they have given me




© 1996 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Devil Love)

For hours,

My arms hug your warmth.

I will kiss you forever upon sight.

Forever and ever.

It will last.

Never let go.

Please be real.

Oh, please do.

I am your angel.


But I could be your devil.




© 1996 David Greg Harth

Read More
U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Places Taken)

I will take you to the park.

the forest.

the desert.

the beach.

the ocean

the sea.

the lake.

the hill.

the mountain.

the city.

the valley.

the plain.

the field.

the pond.

the creek.

the brook.

the rock.

the town.


I will take you in the bakery

Or in the movies

At home

Or in the office

I will take you on a plane

Or on a train

At a ball game

Or at a Broadway show

I will take you in car

Or in a bed

At a nature park

Or at a hotel.


I will take you near and far.

Here and there.

I will take you up and down.

East and West

I will take you to black and white

To see colors all over.


Over and over, I will take you.

More in my mind.

None in the flesh.



Yet to be seen....



© 1996 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (America 3rd)
















© 1996 David Greg Harth

Read More
U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Waiting For You)

I will wait for you.

If you are my dream.

I will be yours.

If you are a figment.

I will let the love go, but not you.


I searched, I waited, for you.

Are you real?

Are you mine?

Why so far, yet so close?

Why do we meet?

Who gave us permission?


I am your angel, an angel from hell.

I come to take you to heaven.

Forever and ever, we will live.

In white lace I embrace your smooth body.

I take you, caress you always.

I have wanted you for the longest time.

Where have you been?


Ties will be broken.

I will not keep my hopes open.

I have been hurt.

I am sure you have too.

I will not be hurt.

I am your angel.


I will wait.

Send me your love.

Prove your existence.

Dance with the devil in the moonlight.

Dance with me under the stars tonight.

Dance with the animals, hum with the birds.

Suck like the insects, read like the mammals.

Eat list like the fish, love like the doves.


Wake up on a bed of roses.

I grew each one for you.

Selected and picked.

I took the thorns off for you.

So, your fingers would not bleed.


I love your tight ass,

may I feel it?

touch it?

caress it?


The darkness will always prevail.

I wish I knew you in the flesh.

Till then, my mind will make do.



© 1996 David Greg Harth

Read More
U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Souls)

I turn you around

Kiss on the cheek

Kiss on the parting lips

On the nose

On the eyebrow

The water runs down

Between our bodies

Between our souls

Cold or warm

It runs between our curves

Into our insides

Into our hearts

Around the forms

Beneath the wonders

I insert my tongue

Your lips part

I feel your heart

Beating with my pulse

I ignite a flame

Too much to comprehend

The sun is going down

I hug you dearly

Forever and ever

The day went by

Over and over

We spent it in water

We walked to an ocean

While motionless

And did not leave our location

Only our minds

Our hearts.





© 1996 David Greg Harth

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