H, 1996 - 00 David Harth H, 1996 - 00 David Harth


with a tightly clenched fist,












© 1997 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I’m reaching out

I try harder and harder

an open arm

I guide my hand


She fades away from me

each step I take

I can see her faintly

every inch I move

her curves blow away

with the wind from under my breath

and from the heavens


I try to stop myself

from being under

but I can’t help it

I only want to try

try for a welcoming hug

a feel

a touch


But every time I near

she pulls away

further and further

into the darkness

of a corner unknown to me


I try to see her

I push myself

I dig in deep

I conquer any obstacle

tackle warriors

break boundaries

cross borders

all for her



as I get nearer

she fades away...

she becomes silent

pulls herself out of reach...



I wait,

with my hand on my soul

folded arms

I wait

for her

to reach




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth


If you slip

wearing that black

a slip under

satin against soft smooth


A slip thru a curtain

silky sheets

slip thru a net

down below


Were you wet?

slippery at the time?

Under the ground

deeper and deeper

You slip

and fade

into the shadows

under the earth

under your slip


You slip away

you hear secrets

a whisper

of warm breath

in your right ear

than left

a whisper

a slip of the tongue

and then you wonder...


Am I slipping...

or is this just a dream?


a climb?

not slip...


but a climb....






© 1997 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Red Addiction #1 (False Version)

slicing up my skin

my vein

clenching my fist

pumping my arm

puncturing it

sliding it in


inject it


an orgasm

a delight

a daydream

an experience of no other

a highlighted color

a god-blessed Mary


my soul intertwines

with the tree trunks

and pathways of arteries

within my flesh


I release

let go

fall backwards

upon the mattress

explore it

feel it

pump no longer


and then

I pass away

at the sound of a doorbell




buzzing in my ear...





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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L, 1996 - 00 David Harth L, 1996 - 00 David Harth


it makes one happy

and clears the tears away

putting a smile on your face

from cheek to cheek


it’s funny and romantic

cherish the moment

friends can laugh

and cuddle too


smile at the uniqueness

the special bond

the broad whiteness

that they display


olive against pasty

smile wide

for that photo shoot

in a Miami booth


smile and laugh

all through the night

take no moment for granted

just laugh and laugh



two smiles share it

two friends create it







© 1997 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Autumn Leaves)

The leaves were out today

in different shades

yellow and red

green and brown

orange and burnt sienna


They were beautiful

changing colors

with the swaying trees

the cool breeze

and all over

they are on their knees


Two intertwining souls

wrapping around

the thick trunk

leading up to those fascinating

dying leaves


The mountains were covered

with all kinds of foliage

each little bush

each little tree

was a place for you and me


The breeze continued

the trees still swayed

the leaves fell today

but we are still

on our knees




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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D, 1996 - 00 David Harth D, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I met her

just the other day

she was walking

in my shadow


I knew her all along

but just met her the other day

Beauty presented herself

In my darkness

She came in front of me

My lonesome path


She entered me

passed through me

but she got caught

caught in my heart

She is dancing there

dancing, wearing black velvet


She thinks there

and as She does

I whisper to Her

during the nighttime

and day

I try to dream

but no memories come out

accept the one in my shadow

the Princess of my heart




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth


there he was

he sat in front of me


he sat there

his moldy face

his crew cut

in front of me


that there,

that strange man

reading the foreign hieroglyphics

looking out my window


his smell haunted me

seeped thru my clothes

made me choke on his hovering shadow


the stranger

that strange man

he sat there

reading all day

small light above

his amber eyes

stared back at me

wondered if I was the one

wondered if I was getting off




© 1997 David Greg Harth @ NYC USA

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

42nd street

I used to walk those days

passing the whores

the drugs

the sexy stores


see the lights

flashing arrows

light up the sky

hot pink, bright yellow,

neon green and orange too


smell of sweetness in the air

weed on the side

black man white man

inside out


girls in heels

knee high boots

mini skirts

cheeks seen

feathers around necks

stocking covered long legs


I used to walk those streets

filled with motion

and sperm lotion

with chaos and nudity


and money money money


twenty-five cents


I have 125 stations

it’s time to go back to join other creations



no institute for freedom

where the men all go

to dance and prey

where the men all rape

the young of their innocence

the children still cry

for cigarette butts


was inspiration

for artists and poets

musicians too

for films and movies

and womyn too


Now it’s no more lust

but falling dust


to create a new political nation

filled with children

not selling

but buying

mickey mouse

and donald duck

theatres and candies

no more sluts


Now its towers of products

no more vibrations

just new fun

no more poetry

no more art

that is dead


corporate business

making a buck

instead of a fuck


Now it’s no strip

for the men who tip

it’s just a collection

and only a few

stand at 42nd and 8th

offer me a smoke

or a blow

but don’t ever


offer me disney again




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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E, 1996 - 00 David Harth E, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Earth Gift

I will bend you

take you by the hair

slap you

turn you

around and around

I will fuck you

up the ass

and between your legs

shove in

pull out

blow me over

I will slam you

up against that wall

your breasts against my chest

grinding away

two souls

two bodies

in the heat

I will torment you

eat you

feed on you

rape your thoughts

and bite at your tits

I will bang away

at your pussy

push harder

deeper each second

my head will go

in and out

in and out

I will be in black

you in your nightgown

slipped over your waist

I can smell you now

Taste your blood

as I bite your scarred lip

Taste your tears

as you yell in pain

in joy

I will look down at you

as you take my cock

in your mouth

suck it

all down

down your throat

until I give you

a gift from the earth

an earth gift.

© 1997 David Greg Harth

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#, 1996 - 00 David Harth #, 1996 - 00 David Harth

3 AM

It’s 3am



the rain pours

I wonder what you wear

in your midnight sleep

I wonder what you are dreaming of


and tomorrow


I think about you

what you look like

who are you

I ponder the wonderful things

the bonds, the poetry, the art

and the darkness


I hope for truth

a belief

maybe a dance in this rain

a naked rain



the rain comes down

continues to flow

down the window pane

I hope to be in the nude one day

when one paints a picture

of me today


I wonder how you sleep

curled up

on your stomach

or on your back

in the heat

or no covers above


I wonder how the moonlight

shines in your room

reflects across your bed

your face

your glorious breasts


I wonder if the rain will end

so, the black sky will be quiet

so, I can lean over


at 3am

whisper into your ear



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

take her there



beaming down

flying thru the night

smelling the way

peering thru the darkness


following the scent

the trail

the beauty


to the castle

the forest

the deep ocean


the midnight skies

the moonlight guides

the sweetness leads

the thighs open


take her there

to that place

the cliffs alongside

beachfront horror

death below

orgasm above


She is there, He is there

take her apart

bite at the neck

knife to the hand

He cuts his, and cuts hers

trickle blood

down her spine

way down low

and around again


finger the blood

around her every curve

ice blood

warm to touch

animal heat


a meat


slowly push

take the dripping finger

up to her thigh

glide inwards,

in her inner thigh


smell the horror

the taste of shadows

the taste of angels

devils too


in he pushes

his finger

over and over

with blood boiling

hot; around

inner walls

tear the inside

heal the outside

the mind




feel her need

give her a want

take her head

on her knee



the seas below

the danger surrounds

the cuffed

the bound

the broken


red, black, silver

make a night

nighttime true

She is there, He is there

take her there...


Now answer this,...


Who is she?

Who is he?

And where is there?




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Talk this, Talk that



Black ties

and gourmet dresses

diamond backs, running up their shoes


diamond rings

diamond earrings

necklaces; galore


ostrich feathers

from lace to leather

pure Italian fabric

to the American blend

No Gucci,

a higher standard;

of living...


young, old, mostly mid, mid old

thin, physique

pretty frame; in a picture

fifty year old


sheer dress

white ruffles above black

what’s this?

Her dried out nipple





walk by



all over


but no smoke


bubbled water

walk thru

no eats




and beautifuls

french, asian, american too

men of high,

none of low

except me

and mine

and a few others



satin, silk,


soft skin


older; bring out the breasts

younger; bring out the crime


blue eyes

red eyes



blue eyes

green eyes

why isn’t my art here?


men in haircuts


fitting suits

navy and midnight


pipes in the pocket

frizzy hair man

always there

always here



on the wall

spread open

wide for us

the viewer

the rich folk

the non-common folk

the irony of


high art/low art


no snobs

we did not talk

just drink


and talk

lots of talk


no security



outdoor garden

a picasso?

a magritte?

a water baby


towers above

pollution outside those walls

or is it in these walls?

the artists hide

the contributors pay

who is the judge

not you

not I

but they


Why is it them

and not I

Why is there crap

on that bottom floor



a mention goes out

a radio talk shout


americana clean


and one with

a black



little ones

get out of my way


a smile

a rub

a portion,



a smile

a rub

a friendly hello

and an eyebrow liner

a stream down her leg,


talk this talk that

pornography on the walls

talk this

talk that

its pornography they want?

talk this buy that

its garbage they have

talk this bought that

its shit in their pockets;

death at their head

bring out the artists

and the irony

i do not get




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Mystery Woman)

You are a mystery woman to me.

You are large at heart, nothing at sight.

You are everything at mind, everything in the imagination.

I know you by words, not by sight nor by sound.

I know you by vibes, feelings, and truth,

But not by lies.


You are a wind.

I am an angel.

You are a flame.

I am an angel.

You are a rose.

I am an angel.

You are a berry.

I am an angel.


You are a valley of sweetness.

I am an angel.

You are hope

I am an angel.

You are missing.

I am an angel.

You are perceived.

I am an angel.

You are words.

I am an angel.

You are there.

I am an angel.

You are who?


What color are your eyes?

Your eyes?






© 1996 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Thoughts Behind)

I come to you in the night

    by way of the stars.

I awake with you at the yellow dawn.

    by way of the morning sun.

I embrace your loveliness

    by way of my arms.


I take you by the hand

    I guide you to my water.

I cleanse you up and down

    I show you the water.

I clear your thoughts

    I soothe your back.

I tear at your heart

    asking for more.



I stand behind you

My hands on your shoulders

Rubbing your back

My knee against your bottom cheeks

My arms wrapped around your waist

I guide my hands to your navel

The suds glide downward, my hands upward

My fingers run across your breasts

Tight squeeze

A hug of love

Behind you, I am not ashamed.

Behind you, I am erect.

My hands run across your hard red nipples.




© 1996 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Dark Love)

allow me

bend your neck

curve toward the shadow

let me in

a penetration

sunken teeth

withdraw thy blood


allow me

to show you a way

a river shadow

a dark lover

be with the blackness


come toward the light

the light of grey

show me your beauty

the puncture I will create


let me suck out your blood

be a devil to the daughter

be a horror to your imagination

be real to thy flesh


I in black, you in black

lace and silk sheet tonight

candle burns

heat in overdrive

turn towards the mirror

and beware

no reflection in sight


an angel came down one day

he said

then again

a devil dug upwards

toward the sky

toward her inner thigh


suck and suck

the one in black

wings of glory

in all its fury

soar the skies

the midnight moons


you might discover...


his drive

his shadow

his beneath-the-belt



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Roy Lichtenstein

I had a friend,

just the other day,

my friend Roy,

he died today


From little ones

to big ones

his dots always

had me

grabbed me

made me unstable

on solid ground


His retrospective

winding up the Guggenheim walls...

His thin, structural body,

standing tall,

another member,

of that Cedar bar,

I’m sure.



why did you have to go?

my bible is empty?

my letter undelivered?


where will you plot?

without a last dot?



how come there is a fighter jet

a child with a toy

yet an image of



Don’t go,

for I only knew you...

for so many years...

and more to come

more to dream of

dream with...


I had a friend,

just the other day,

my friend Roy,

he died today


In New York City

he passed away

Center of POP

for you and me

I’ll be there

will U2?

In the city

glorious lights

Mondrian’s Broadway

city delights



tell me your daughter’s name,

before you go

send me a present

a lesson of the future,

before you go


A beg

a round-a-bout

come inside,

have a cup of coffee,

it’s all I can offer

to a god of pop


a god of pop.





© 1997 David Greg Harth

Read More
E, 1996 - 00 David Harth E, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Erotic is...

a midnight wonder

a slick date

a shy pussycat

a feather

an ice cube


a shower above

a cold touch

cozy socks

and flannel pj’s


back rubs

family and friends

your place or mine

today or tomorrow


sunsets and sunrises

the bay shore and the gulf of

cruises without bruises

no fighting or war

troubles gone with sorrow


news of good; not evil

clouds that bring sunshine

memories, in the memory box


partners whom speak


beating down; that sunshine

doves, blue birds, and penguins too

arches, golden, an inspiration

sex over there, sex over here


seas, oceans, and a bed of roses

petals, fields, fluffy puffy stuff

backyard swing sets

barbecue spice

holiday time

seasons in the air

fresh baked

no mother is fake


your grandmother’s stories

sister’s too

your friend’s best cherished orb

and your last year’s card



Erotic is...


a fireplace

a hearth felt warm

cotton, earth tones, valleys too

boundaries and contributions

covered by law, conquered by bridges

babies, a kitten’s first light, a kangaroo’s hop


a skip skip, skip to my loo

a mountain top,

a scotch

and a cover band


the jetsons, play-doh, and scooby-doo

Mr magoo, where are you?

an island with gilligan,

and a Family in the All

Whose line?

i’m not sure,

ask benny or monty,

they are erotic too


a wim wenders film

a crashing car?

latex, lace, and leather too

handcuffs, silver, a beggar’s change

a tribal beat

a fresh piece of meat


a heavenly god

mary’s st jude

lucifer’s actions

and god on his knees




your music inside your head;

let’s get wed.



numbers and letters

jumble too

jingle all along the way

and then one day -


E R O T I C A ! !



E R O T I C A ! !



a fourth floor song

a street on 42nd

come, cum to the place

a grand ‘ole time

25 cents a 125 channels



Erotic is....


a Miami girl

a Sarajevo accents

a womyn on a television

the weather person’s prediction

a heroin’s addiction

a guy named nixon

i think a cat will need a fixin’


Erotic is....


strawberries, whipped creme, bananas too

strap-ons, if you can’t handle it - -

you shouldn’t be here

or in there

or able to


read, right of the nation

political nation

songs about peace

agony on the streets


Please, a Warhol cover

a tune to make a lover

Please, a Warhol show

they won’t ever,


be this low



Erotic is....


that first kiss,

a bear hug

when that train pulls up...

out pops your lover

your lover


a gaze into an eye

amber or gold

blue or oceana

green or pigment


a raised eyebrow

or nothing more

pollution making beauty

a stunned white nudity



Erotic is....


at that moment,


that one moment in time...

when you realize...

he is for you...

she is for you...

together, a moment,

shared but understood...


the feeling...

nothing can explain it...


Its Erotic.




erotic - adj; 1. of, devoted to, or tending to arouse

                 sexual love or desire <~art>

              2. strongly affected by sexual desire






© 1997 David Greg Harth

Read More
U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Christmas Two)

leather straps

huge mountains

big trees

nature hikes

christmas stuffers

and midnight wonders


christmas is coming..

who will be..

under that mistletoe?


christmas is coming

who is weak,

who is strong?



on your knees

song from above

a heaven once lost

a gray cloud

no longer embraces


a hope

a glare

a sheer dress

slip under

over and out

white blouse

shower with


behind and around

frolic on the ground


and heat

i think they will meet


time will tell

the tale of two

and two be it

when two are part of you




© 1997 David Greg Harth

Read More
U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (White Mess)




Make a mess

Clean up the spice

Wipe me clean

It’s not lean


Take it apart

Undo the button


a lotion on your back



back up against the wall

feel you around

clean up my mess

My mess


Pulled in


Thin, tight, tiger

up down, barret and all

curve #1

curve #2

mountain, feel it

valley, portray it



in the mirror:

make a mess.


white rose


cleaned it up

white rose

blow the wind

white rose

with thorns

white rose; took her from the city

took her to the tropics


white rose

she cleaned up my mess

white rose

she made me make a mess


back rub

bend over

back rub

clean up the mess



blinds down

a wonder and a john

then inside

wet down




a midnight nap

a twenty dollar ride

a late ride

then you wake up

try to explain

take an invite

after the mess


after, only,

that mess.





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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