B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Banana Republic

In my mailbox the other day,

I received an advertisement from Banana Republic.

It said:




The Flagship Store at Rockefeller Center,


featuring accommodations, a person should be able to take

for granted, plus some very fancy gadgets:


A coat and bag check to free you for more noble pursuits.


Cell phone re-charging while you shop.


Store concierge. Whatever you need, someone will take care of it

within the limits of the law.


Complimentary delivery anywhere in Manhattan

(for purchases of $300 or more - through the end of 1999).


Palm Computing® connected organizer uploads of the store (and

other similarly fabulous places in Manhattan).


In other words, there may be more service than you can use at any

given moment, but don’t let that keep you from trying.





Now what I find amusing about this advertisement is statement number 3.

Let’s go over it again:


“Store concierge. Whatever you need, someone will take care of it

within the limits of the law.”

I have a question, actually, several, or, maybe they are propositions.


Would anyone here ask the store concierge to....


rob a bank?


murder someone?


rape someone?


bomb something?


hold up the store?






Now, why was this included on the advertisement?

Did lawyers suggest it from a fear of possible lawsuits?

Customers complaining that the concierge would not rob a bank with them?

I don’t know.


Advertising is weird. America is weird. I’m weird.



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

True Wishes

I was standing outside of Maximus in St. Petersburg Florida

Talking with a friend.


Up comes a man, I’ve only met once before

Months ago.


The man comes up and interrupts

He says to me,

“How is conceptual art working for you?”

I reply,

“I think everything works for me.”

He says to me,

“I think you should work on finding some talent.”

He walks away.


My friend and I look at each other, puzzled.

We knew that man had not seen my current show titled ‘Wishes.’

So, we continue in our puzzlement.


I go on living.

Strong, hungry and thirsty.



© 1999 David Greg Harth

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K, 1996 - 00 David Harth K, 1996 - 00 David Harth




1) Apple

2) Pretzels or Peanuts

3) Candy/Chocolate

4) Napkin

5) Crackers/Cheese




1) Art Show

2) Walk on Beach

3) Eat Breakfast at Night

4) Visit Friends

5) Create Art & Write Poetry



© 1999 David Greg Harth

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I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Intricate Ear

Her Intricate Ear

Delicate with surrounding beauty

She would listen closely and lean inwards

But never dig or dive deeper


She wanted me to display my love with words

My actions were not enough

Chasing after a dream

My imagination is torn


Knives are dug and twisted

Stabbed, as always, after opening up

Cried with warm shoulders

And a soft heart now hurt


Sometimes you feel like going away

For a long long time

To slip into the darkness

And fall like burning stars

Into the minds of all of those who have forgot


Sometimes you feel like slipping

Underneath the love

And discover the truth of love

Or the truth which lies within yourself


She listens with her Intricate Ear

Peach fuzz Ill hug and embrace

Ill cherish forever

And never forget


Now the fallen autumn leaves

Crunch beneath my footsteps

The wonderful scent rises up

Forcing me back to dreamland


I dream of her Intricate Ear

The wonders inside that dwell

And come out on occasion

In a glance or smile or spoken word


My dream will only fall

When the new ones come out

And the fresh leaves of spring

Introduce new music to my heart



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


B because I never knew one

B because I never was sleeping

B because I never got lost

B because I never fell in deep


B because it’s a combination

B because it’s a wild roar

B because it’s the sun in the West

B because it’s a reflection


B because I never twisted along

B because I always imagined and hoped

B because I believe

B because I saw her smile


B because it’s real

B because it’s together

B because it’s a portrait

B because it’s about the warmth


B because I never was wrapped

B because I never was washed

B because I never was written

B because I never was willed


BB is an equal, a spirit

A hunted hunter

BB is lost and found

A laughter of captures

BB is tonight, a song

A magnet from the future

A heaven, a self, a crying animal




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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K, 1996 - 00 David Harth K, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Have you ever known anyone that you’ve wanted to kiss, and never gotten the chance to?


I have, Erich Bryan, Kurt Wullschelger, Nate Oborny (I kissed him, but then I was mean to him the next day, fear of rejection, I was so sure that he didn’t like me), Ryan Laurance, Klaus Sanford, Josh Hite (no I kissed him, I just wonder what a relationship with him would be like, I know it wouldn’t last but it might be fun for a while), my dentist, my current studio teacher (that’s against school rules),

Erik Meyer (now this one is WRONG because my besst friend has liked him for a long time, but she’s getting married now, so her loss)


When I was in the fifth grade I went to a school that was only 5th and 6th graders, and all of my friends wanted me to go out with Brad, so I agreed to it, but I didn’t really like him, I liked a 6th grader, Clint Bennet, he was a real loser, but I liked him, until he got on the bus one day with a black eye, (I still liked him a little, but I was a little scared of him) anyway, my friends asked Brad to go out with me, and he said some rude things, of which I don’t remember, must have blocked out of my memory, so, I haven’t thought much of that boy since.


But when I was a junior in high school I liked Andy Smith, and my teacher paired us up (she was a little crazy) we were going to do a video in Spanish, and there were 6 guys in the class and a lot of girls. Well, she paired us up and he yells “anyone but her please anyone but her” and there were some really nasty girls in my Spanish class, but now he’s fat and i wouldn’t ever go out with him, cause he is such a rude little ....


I guess the point is that I’m unlucky in love, but at least the guys who didn’t like me in the past are giving me a second look now.


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City @ 296 New York City

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Blue Syrup

Flagella plasma


Jewel juice

K-Y Jelly

Fingers twisted


White glue







Palm feeling rotation


Sweat water

Sex song

Sticky syrup

Sorrow and tears


Semen smoke


Unbelievable high



Dark skies and burning




Jelly fish






Bitten tongue

Virgin Syrup














Sin in the green

Soap up the waist

Swim in the silence

Fear of the truth


Edible peeled skin

Hunted syrup




French kiss

Bitten lips

Licked lips

Shut lips







Agony of the heart

Sleep in lonesome



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC

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G, 1996 - 00 David Harth G, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Give Up

I give up

I’m wasted




I give up

There is nothing left

No sorrow or bare trees

No grounds to hunt on

No leftover space

Or corners to mold and form


I give up

Silently awakened

In the moist midnight air

Nobody to eat

And nobody to die


I give up

Stranger’s umbrella

A holocaust nickname

A king


I give up

Let me entertain you

And kiss you on the thigh

Let me swallow you

And kiss you on the cheek goodbye


I give up

It’s only natural

I’ve never seen it before

I’m tired today

Tomorrow is a new old day

I’m bringing in the welcome mat

I’m bringing in the traps


I give up

They wrapped me in gauze

And traveled me through time

Developed my horror

And fed my veins


I give up

It’s a back seat driver

And a live-in maid

A rainy holiday

Virgin flowers and settlements

By the brooks in the land


I give up

My eyes have bags

I’m a skeleton today

My ballad has gone home

I’m left with nothing in my hands

Your wet stringy hair clings to me

And my teeth still fall to the ground


I give up

My birds have died

The cash is done

I’m looking underneath the rabbit holes

And you left me starving

I give up




© 1999 David Greg Harth NYC NYC

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E, 1996 - 00 David Harth E, 1996 - 00 David Harth

East to West

I was driving East to West

On Route 202 late Sunday evening

It was 10:30 at night

Cold and rainy out

With a warm settling fog


The fog was low

And covered the street

Crept over the trees hovering over

My pavement path


The ground slick with dew and drizzle

My fog lights did nothing

I would just drift the car down the road

Around the curves and bend

Forming to the fog’s tunnel


Then out of nowhere

And too late to stop

A man appeared in the middle of the road

A shadowed silhouette

From beneath the tree-covered road path

He stood still

I could not make out his eyes nor face

Too late to stop

I attempted to swerve

The car slipped and slid

Straight into the man

I hit


I waited around

For the police to arrive

I went back to the precinct

And talked and questioned

Sweated my palms into the wooden arm chair

Untied my laces and tied again


They knew the conditions

And saw the skid marks

Impounded the car

And photographed the thick scene

Wrote me up and wrote me down

Phone calls here and there

As the rain still sunk down


The police let me go

But I’m due back there later this month

What will I do

And what will I say?

The fog stood in the way

But no chance for him that night

Perhaps none for me

To hit again


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ NJ->NYC

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth

The Wall Street Journal

Coronary House

American Regulators

Think Wider

It’s GM Global


Turn How

Well Will

I ©

Inflammation As

The Money

A Change

U.S. If

Senate A

A Introducing

Vote Death

Unlike Corporate

This The

Calvin Aetna

Trade Football

Datek’s Is

Technology The

Gambits The

Geocast Picture

AT&T This

Yahoo! To

I World

This This

Coke Quotations

Continued This

Continued This

Continued Quotations

Continued 52

Credit In

Continued Wednesday

European Dollar

Wednesday Hog

Composite Foreigners

Wednesday Name

Name Pimco




© 1999 David Greg Harth NYC NYC

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Come, we have to clean the house. The television set is dusty and filthy and the flies are sipping at the spoiled milk. The milk carton unfolded on the kitchen sink. I smacked one fly by the mirror in the bathroom. We have to clean all those toothpaste marks on the chrome sink and spout and the K-Y Jelly stains on my bed sheets.


No, John, he never made it through puberty. He still goes to his shrine at home and masturbates to the playboy magazines and gives himself sugar disease. He is sad. No, John, you cannot go to the nurse.


Why must I peel away my skin and show you my cleverness or sadness or holiness or calmness or secrets or desires or falsifications or horrors? Why should I open the door and be a fool and dig you a hole in my garden?


I’ve got a ton of chores to do but haven’t been paid my allowance. Swimming in the water pool and bands from Australia play on the outdoor radio. I’m in shades, but not myself today. See my reflection in my glasses and smell the hot dogs and pure beef burgers on the grill. We sat on the bench with the peeling and chipped red paint. The old rain-soaked wood bearing through and sticking to my legs. The brook aside trickles underground to where our gang spray painted on the walls of the tunnel of love. That dog used to bark at us all the time and one time I ran and ran and my head bled and gushed my hands covered in burnt blood dry and thick. But now I’m afloat, adrift in chlorine feeling the heat, but not myself. Not today, maybe tomorrow, lets play catch, I’ve heard that tune, but not that tone now forever now always.


The photographs are lovely. Pornography. Every word, or association. Yes, I belong to the club. Did you see that comedian? He wouldn’t sign. No religion? And no war?


He drove us to see Egg Bert in his old dark green Nova. She with her blond hair, I’ve got my blue eyes from her. I once locked the door and cried but Scooby Doo and my fruit roll-ups after school always soothed the sadness of Lalla and Jocelyn that never formed. She and I always sled together and had Dad build igloos for us. I never got to drive the Volvo or the orange Vega. I’ve seen the Volvo, now and again, it sounds like a television show. Perhaps that one that is all dusty and filthy.


One more, I turned around, tickled, I kicked his ass, I loved it from her. She can tickle me over and over and over again. We smiled, held, the mirror knew. Too bad I couldn’t fit or be or even draw or tell hot from cold I knew the yellow-eyed loved. Black and white view was the best, even climbed, never failed and always slept. I hope he dies in my arms and not yours, beast.



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City @ 296 New York City

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C, 1996 - 00 David Harth C, 1996 - 00 David Harth


crush oranges

crush lemons

crush bug

crush car

crush eyes

crush hush

crush push

crush banana pancakes

crush streets

crush my footprints

crush in the doorway

crush on the floor

crush in my pants

crush outdoors

crush in the snow

crush down below

crush last night

crush just right

crush ice

crush dump

crush memory

crush hand holding

crush eye glancing

crush cold wind

crush warm fire

crush hug

crush kitten

crush ropes

crush tears

crush bird

crush drink

crush fag

crush sweater

crush ache

crush tomorrow

crush music

crush writings

crush smile

crush flower

crush photographs





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City @ 296 New York City

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Black Eyes

Stare into my black eyes

And see nothing

But the distance between Heaven and Hell

Cycle through and travel

In the cold stone



Concrete construction



Stare into my black eyes

Do I remind you of someone?

Or something?

Grab a hold

Watch my wings part and soar

Now I look upon you with fire behind me

And depths all around


Stare into my black eyes

Become a scared rat and run

Watch me step on your tail and make you suffer

Eat your mother’s feces on your child’s lap

And drown in your lover’s urine and spit

As the earth ignites in blue flame


Stare into my black eyes

Search for the emptiness

Pray to your believer

Take your garlic and cross and wooden stake

Your manuals and books and written words

Your theatre and paintings and tongues

Twist them around and carry them off


Stare into my black eyes

My eyes will bite at your heart

And steal your soul and spirit and faith

Hold my hand

As your eyes become black as mine



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296

New York City

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E, 1996 - 00 David Harth E, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Expensive Rolling

Hard headed

A toilet surface

Sweat thrown onto me

Like gravel and pebbles sticking to my back

Cold ears never hear what I have to say

Never listen

Only flood to the dimple in your chin


Wind of nakedness

Giving you my rights

Justice never served

You told me to phone you if it was illegal

I will see you Monday


Bald spitting head

Tough guy

In hospital shorts


Not right now?

I saw you on the cover of that magazine

No kidding

Surface & Wallpaper for Furniture

How is your girlfriend?




Take off your leather pants

He wasn’t feeling well

Cereal wet-ones

A lawyer in a tie

I’ve broken my toe

Split ends


Now my eyes are open

Wont someone please help me?

They said he would be killed

Killer Mosquitos

Cab ride

And I breathe


I’m paying my bills now

Please leave me alone



Newspaper seeds and dirt

Leftover panties stained from last night

Unlocked keys and rubber bands

Full and complete



Simon says

Chicken Geek

Circus Freak

Sugar Rush

Complete Blush

Pencil Stick

Lollipop Lick

Simon says


See you Jack

Out back



Brutal disease


Bug in the mashed potatoes



Happy New Year

Happy Birth Day

Timing is perfect

Bob Dylan is on Bleecker Street

I’m not religious


Hash brown


Eggs and Bacon strips

I’m huddled nude

In my fetal position

I lay still for minutes and minutes

You have punctured my life

You have not listened


I’ll take a shower



© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296

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A, 1996 - 00 David Harth A, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Art Ghost

Here I come

Drifting in behind you

Above the art and around you



Now I’m underneath your feet

Behind the other viewers

Around the corner


I’m right here

Looking out at you

Hanging on the wall

Hear my voice

Here I am


© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 nyc

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1996 - 00, S David Harth 1996 - 00, S David Harth

The Sound Of Silence


I hear nothing


She made me keep quiet

An orchestra of violins

And ultramarine hues

Asian sun

Humid air over my two moons rising

The ocean steps foward on white sands

Three times I called out

No return, no echo

Shaved myself clean today

No stubble on my jaw

No under arm hair or eyebrow hair

Just an empty road taken alone

Curving and bending

Oncoming cars and hotel tips

My army shirt

Afternoon tea and biscuits

She made me deaf

I drown in the pools of my tears

They swallow my body and shadow

And I sink to the bottom of the dark blue

In the coldness of silence

As Iπm kneeling down infront

I hear an angels voice calling my name

Breathing in the ebony air

Wrap my arms around empty self

My tears of salt and past drop to the floor

The aged wooden floor absorbs my history

And the dreams of fallen teeth

Fly up to the windows from beneath my stained self

I hear nothing

The thoughts in my head

Yells from my father and mother

Wind birds on my shoulder

The silence now buried

And you can kiss the air and taste the scent

Chisel my name into your stone heart and memory

Always remember that I cared you

© 1999 David Greg Harth

1999.09.03.24:13:25 @ 296 and 1999.09.05.23:56:12 @ 296

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Wholesale Limited Edition

Limited Edition

Signed and Numbered

Special Series


1 for 1

Make a buck



Limited Edition

One time only

Unique opportunity

Great cause

Super deal

Intense Art


Limited Edition

Please send check, money order, or cash

In the amount of $25.00 to:

David Greg Harth

PO BOX 7786

New York NY





© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I come home nightly

To strip to my cold nakedness

And run around in my baby skin


My smelly sweat attraction

And roll up my current fall issue

Of New York magazine


Curl it up into a bat

And swing at the iridescent

Buzzing-by larva laying

Disease infecting mother fucka



© 1999 David Greg Harth 296

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G, 1996 - 00 David Harth G, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Grey Hair (Orange Juice & Coffee)

We took the sour Orange Juice together

soaked in the wetness of health

and had a delightful toast

She massaged my back and that was that


Like dead animals living

flesh eating flesh

She quivered in her own cum


She used salt chalk for make up

Q-tips until her ears bled

brushed her teeth until gums bled

choked on her tears


He laughed and laughed with me

We ate sweet bananas together

And laughed at the fat laugher and the tall guy

That guy was really tall and skinny and always shook

He did the Thorazine shuffle

Wish I was in the Day.


She really knows how to burn a friendship

and scatter the ashes

across the plains of death

I wonder if she will tuck me in at night

Read me a bedtime story

Knowing I cannot respond

or remember her name?


I got dressed up in my tuxedo

We wined and dined and she did her usual grind

We had a ball, a grand all time

but it wasn’t her who I wanted

All these years

I wait and wait,

search and search


I see her reflection

her dirty ragged old hair

her aged skin with valleys of wrinkles

Liver spots and dead skin drifting to the floor

I comb her thick hair and hold her fragile hand

We talk for lasting hours into the night

I learn about her two sons and her daughter

The life she had in the vivid colors of greens and blues


Tomorrow a new day

it’s today

to see my friend, I dive the traffic

and I find her dead

Her silver hair

She gave me ten-dollar bill in my hands

I never said thankyou

It rained down

Oil upon my face


I go outside

Rub chalk on my face

and wash up

brush my teeth

and discover my feet under the covers

You know I did wrong

but I only sang the song I knew

and now my hair is grey.




© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC

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L, 1996 - 00 David Harth L, 1996 - 00 David Harth



I’ve never met you

You’ve left before a new discovery

You lion, you



My sign is cancer

A disease I hope I did not end you

Did you get my invite?



No bible tonight

No 72nd or lower down under

Make me a star



Your aging face

And little ones up there

It’s nice to be the singing song

I’ll never forget

The name plate I have written




Art of the man

Should have bumped into you then

Was born too late

Perhaps too early

But now I’ve got Nine

And Nine more coming



I never saw your shadow

Or heard your footsteps on wood

I never sold you a painting

Or complained once or twice



For you

I make art






© 1999 David Greg Harth New York City

In Memory Of Leo Castelli

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