R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


it’s like that angel

one of heavenly desire




it comes from above

and with all its honor and courage

it carries us inside


into the warmth

under the wings

we are guided


the rain pours

mixing the streams with rivers

rivers with oceans

a dance of water

a splash of wonder


he wonders

she sees a reflection

in the distance the sun

a rainbow color


together a one

the rain above

the water flows

cold and down

but the touch

the feel

that soothing rain


let it pour

let it come one

let it be

let it rain







© 1997 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Love)

it holds you tight

holds you in

showers you with guilt

all about


it grasps you

the more you go

the deeper you are in

the more time

the greater the grip


it encompasses you

engulfs you

swallows you up

doesn’t let you breathe


it makes you think

makes you weak

takes your time

and makes great taste


it’s over there and over here

it’s all around

but never right here


but when inside

deep inside

it holds you

doesn’t allow you to leave

until you go

and wave goodbye

and then

a new one comes along


but, how long?

has it been?




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Comments On Love)

The measurements exceed

The unpredictable is only around the corner

The levels are complex

The confusion lies within

The alterations are not made

The voices are never heard

The thoughts race like buffalos

The memories intrude

The fantasies never become real

The dreams are death defying

The love is passionate but not local

The real time has come

The real one is here

Here I am.



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Tears roll down,

I would wipe them.


Tears roll down,

I would taste them.


Tears roll down,

I would catch them.


Tears roll down,

I would keep them.


Tears roll down,

I would help them.


Tears roll down...

no one ever catches mine.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

Mother’s Day

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V, 1996 - 00 David Harth V, 1996 - 00 David Harth

The Victim

who’s the victim?


I am.

You are.

The lion is.

The bastard is.

The love couch is.

The battered wife.

The fat kid.


I am.

You are.

The president is.

The tree is.

The ground is.

The food is.


Last night was.

She is.

My mother is.

My sister was.

Your lover will be.


I am.

You are.

Today will be.

The operator.

The listener.

The controller.


I am.

You are.

She is.

He is.

The inventor.

The consumer.

The watcher.

The walker.


Saturday & Sunday.

The midnight blues

The screen above

The ocean below

The thunder distance

The headlight under


The round corner

The leap

The current; electrified

The peg

The bird

I am.

You are.

The candle burning

The paper wasting

The weight holding

The tight rope


I am; you are... always.

I am.

One of them.



With or...

It’s time to go,

I have realized it

That I am a victim

Of abuse and loneliness

Of selfishness and pain

Of murder and draught

Of politics and art

Of love and hatred

Of rape and death

Of slavery and racism

Of sexism and complications


Of numbers

and letters

Of signs

and signatures

Of meadows

and pastures

Of priests

and food poisoning.


I am the victim.

I always was, always will be.

I am the one,

the one that “they”

are looking for.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (Spare)

Spare it.

Spare the thought

Take the trip

Feel the reason

Don’t question a step

Don’t deny

Take a spin


Spare any lies

Go with the heart

Follow the streets

Follow that star


If the sun comes down

I will be there

If the sun comes down

I would like you to be there


Spare some time for me

I have all the time for you

Feel the sunlight

Feel the warmth I can give

Cradle you in my arms

All night long

An embrace

A beautiful one

A holding one

A real one



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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A, 1996 - 00 David Harth A, 1996 - 00 David Harth

And Then The Rain Came

The sun came up

The trees made shadows

The pavement, dark, cool


The sun made patterns

Between the leaves

It fell,

To the ground


The sun came up

Over the hill,

Beyond the lake


The sun came up,

A beauty laid

She laid there,

On the blanket



She laid there,

Her hair glistened in the sun

Her eyes sparkled in the sun


She laid there,


But not emotionless,

she laid there; still




A woman; like a statute

One to admire, one to respect, one to honor



Where the heart is and the sunshine flows

Where the sense is

Where the fountain of holding is


She is there, on that blanket

She is there, dressed in white

She is there, calm, and quite

She is there, wanting a hug


I took a walk one day

I saw that beauty

On that blanket

On that great grassy green field

Infront of the hills, below the sunshine


I took a walk one day

I saw her

That beauty

But where is she?

I cannot see her.


And then the rain came.



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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D, 1996 - 00 David Harth D, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Approach the darkness

encompass it

hold it

let your dreams dive into it

share the memories

don’t be afraid

the love will last

and pull you through


the darkness

it makes us scared

and some strong

to me, though,

darkness is good,...


because you don’t know who kisses you.





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


The rivers of red, they flow down virgin thighs

The pulling of sheets, the clench of a fist


The tears run down, the beauty cheeks

The yells unheard, from deep inside the heart


The power struggle, sounds are muffled

The reality of him, he over she


It may be a response, but a force will blow

It may be a fight, but the winner will not pull


Scratch his back, nice and calmly

Scratch his back, dig deep inside


Scratch his eyes, pull his hair

No bitch- lets pull yours


Pull down those borders

Pull down those barriers


Intrude, not to produce

Intrude, not to love



Spread open

Wide open

Don’t be alarmed

You will not be harmed

Don’t be fake

You aren’t going to wake


Kneel down

Kiss it baby

The river flows

That virgin river


The pool; in red

The pool; in horror


It’s not going to hurt

It’s not going to be an answer


Don’t tell

I’m only mama’s boy

Don’t tell

I’m your friend

Don’t tell

I’m your lover

Don’t tell





For we have to stop that virgin river.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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Y, 1996 - 00 David Harth Y, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Yellow & Red

An angular turn toward the sky,

A screeching yell

He opens wide,

Yells to the heavens...

Maybe asking, a Why?


He turns, twists,

As the thunder holds him,

Tightly grasps him, squeezes,

He yells, screeches,


His pain, in red and yellow,

furious anger,

it rages above the land,

above the white cotton fields,

above the singular eggs,

above the smell of death,


His pain, he yells,

Maybe asking, a Why?

The reds, oranges, and yellows,

The anger, the pain,

Always alone, never lonely.


His teeth, sharp

His tongue, drips of blood,

bitten too hard,

after a midnight puncture


A morning call

A nighttime fall

After hours,

No more


Liquid down, time to feed,

the wind breaks the silence

the passengers cross the river

the obesity, the unshaven, that voice above,

and maybe later,


A higher one.


His pain, he yells,

In yellow and red,

for no love can rescue

for no love can predict


He thinks they are fake, they are real

He notices one by one,

and takes a poll


He comes down

for a while

Watches the shadow

from a 12th floor window


Watches the rain,

the beasts,

the rich men too.


The arrested man,

convicted from his mother,

from gold to poor,

from a voice of no more.


His pain reaches out,

for a higher reason,

a wonderful dream,


not this time.


Yellow and red, slash them tonight.

Yellow and red, may I be yours tonight?

Yellow and red, he fuck her, she fuck him.

Yellow and red, my father


Yellow and red, a lover in bed

Yellow and red, he wants suicide

Yellow and red, one is good

Yellow and red, anger is food


His pain, it comes deep within

But surely you know,

It isn’t a jX or a hooker

It isn’t a nX or a chic

It isn’t a gX or a cheese

It isn’t a pig or a fowl


It’s that Yellow and Red.


The blood of anger.


You know what it is

What it is caused by.


Maybe you are part of it.

Maybe you are not.



Yellow and Red.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

Note: View the painting goes with this poem.

Read More
D, 1996 - 00 David Harth D, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Do you prefer angels or devils?

On sunny days I like angels.

On rainy days I like devils.

On some sunny days I like devils.

On some rainy days I like angels.

On all sunny days I like angels.

On all sunny days I like devils.

On all rainy days I like angels.

On all rainy days I like devils.


Sometimes I am one.

Or the other.

Other times I pretend. Or dress up.

Other times, its someone in the mirror,

or over my shoulder.

Sometimes you are.


I prefer both.

Red or Cold.

Heaven and Hell.

Both, below and above,

from the East they come.


Dig down or rise high.

It’s a position I’m always in.

A debate I continue every day.

Sunny or rainy.





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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L, 1996 - 00 David Harth L, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Las Vegas

City lights

People with delights

My inspiration

An old man’s perspiration


It’s a devil’s book

A ladies look

Nighttime breast

A gambler’s nest


In my memory

With a girl named Sherry

A car cruise

I’m going to lose


It’s a desire

A slut for hire

It’s a die

For the men in tie


Glorious shows

The city flows

Rich & poor

Clothes on the floor


Desert sky

I’m going to fry

Bush for dessert

She’s going to hurt


Glitter, Gold, & the underground gun

Oh My God - What fun!


Rent-A-Car on the strip

The husband going to flip


The midnight shook



Nobody gay

Can you beat the heat?

Make them eat the meat


The virgin flower

The dark prowler

Young girls

Cheap thrills


The money slots

Cheater’s plots

The back table

It’s gonna be a fable


Your problem, a lust

As I go, a must

Here the sounds

There won’t be any frowns


It’s America’s pearl

Big Mac will hurl

It’s a wanker’s dream

Nobody’s a team


It’s play money

Will you be my honey?

It’s a loser’s luck

Do you wanna fuck?


It’s white man’s riches

Full of bitches

It’s a wife beater

Whose gonna be a cheater?


It’s god’s hand

West of Graceland

The boy’s first

The drunk’s thirst


The women lost

How about a frost?

The women strut

The doors shut


Hairy man

Rack of lamb

Gourmet meal

Dolphin & seal


Hotel tower

Couple in the shower

I’m gonna make dough

I’m not gonna go


We’ll get wed

I’ll get head

She’ll get laid

I’ll get a maid


It’s America’s wonder

Come on under

It’s everyone’s depression

A lasting impression


It’s America cheese

People on their knees

In all its glory

Cheese of fury


It’s Vegas





© 1997 David Greg Harth

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I have parked in others spaces. I do it all the time. I love to do it. I pay to do it. They invite me. I have an invitation. I have proof. I have love; a devil’s look. A devil’s gold. I have a number. The first in line. A wonder about tradition. A complexity of design. A summer dream. A wet pillow. It’s a sunrise on the beach. One over the buildings, below the docks. The summer is ending, the life has just begun. See it, the garden? The apple trees? I own them. Come let’s play.... We will do our own surgery. Make a new living. The art of surgery. You love me, don’t you? Come, come to my house. There is a party. A new one for you, and for me. Let go. It’s time to go. Let’s go swimming.




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Reach Out

reach out

grab it

squeeze it

hold it


reach out

milk it

suck it

firm it


reach out

love it

hate it

lick it


it makes you weak

it makes you love

it makes you hard


reach out





see it

mouth down

tongue out

saliva glands


see it

reach it

touch it


reach out

compare it

draw it

dream it


reach out






reach out



reach out


What is it?



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I am inside

As I tantalize your mind

I enjoy the outsides

I bleed the first time

I love to be loved

He pulls me in

Closer he gets

He gets closer

His full erection

I know I will bleed...

For the first time

I will loose

My flower is his

I want to

He wants to

He becomes hard

Strong in front of me

By breasts against his chest

By ass on the sheets

I know I will bleed the first time

I want to

I am ready

No condom at hand

His erection so strong

So erect and red

I yell

I yell


He forces

He intrudes


Feels me


All over






He rapes me

He fucks me

He makes me bleed

Part of me wanted

But I said “NO!”

And he came inside of me


He raped me

Hard as it was

He fucked me

He made me bleed







I bled

On those sheets I grabbed

On those sheets my ass was on

No condom at hand

Will I have a child?

A child I do not want

A child of blood

A child

That will be raped?

By his father?




© 1997 David Greg Harth

Read More
I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I Think I Love You

I think I love you

When I am willing

To penetrate

To end all wars

To meet your parents

To grow up in your arms

To taste your tears

To borrow your past

And bury your relatives


I think I love you

When I am afraid

To become a new born

To tear down your walls inside

To reach out and touch your heart

To climax forever

To enter a new realm

To climb a trail of heavenly love


I think I hate you

Now and forever

I will hate you until

The end of the world

The end of my time

The end of molestation

And Impregnation

The end of revolution

And juxtaposition

The end of my time

As a Necrophiliac

And as a Transsexual

As a Nymphomaniac

And as a Pyromaniac

As a Pathological Liar

And as your God


I am afraid

Of the dark

And your large cock

I am afraid

Of Love

To Love

To be Loved


I think I love you



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (You & Me)

ah, my dear beloved, worshipper of me, worshipper of death:


I will devour you entirely

I will steal you away in the city of lights

You will perform to me

Upon me

For I am your thundering storm

I am huge

And you shall perform on me

Through the streets filled with names and monopolies

Behind the desk of authority, you will

Get down and kneel

Before me you will perform

A great storm

Breathe this flaming rock

Inside and out

Meet it half way

Then take it all the way



© 1997 David Greg Harth

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E, 1996 - 00 David Harth E, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Capture the moment

A hand held tightly

A fist to clench

The bed sheets at high noon

The petals of rose buds

Circle around your waist

I come in to enter

As you peel back slowly

I come in to enter

As you water the new

I come in to enter

As you stretch for the light

I come in to enter

As you breathe in the warm sex smell


You have all around you

Joyous colors

Of every shade

I come in to enter

As you dim the light

I come in to enter

As you tear down the walls inside

I come in to enter

As you uncover the romantic collection


A captured moment filled with thirst

You see the mirror

I film you without horror

I come to enter you

From above and beyond

I come to enter

Forever and ever



© 1997 David Greg Harth

Read More
U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Untitled (You)

you wild woman,

you make me weak,

above the knees,

below the belt,

you make me weak,

your accent at heart

your tone in voice,

you make me weak,

you break a boundary

you treat a soul,

you make me weak,

you take a chance,

you call the devil,

you learn how to kneel,

you believe in love,

your heart tells you no,

your body tells you other,

you make me weak,

you lose control,

and then I enter,

and over and over,

I fuck you again.



The measurements exceed

The unpredictable is only around the corner

The levels are complex

The confusion lies within

The alterations are not made

The voices are never heard

The thoughts race like buffaloes

The memories intrude

The fantasies never become real

The dreams are death defying

The love is passionate but not local

The real time has come

The real one is here

Here I am.



© 1997 David Greg Harth

Read More
H, 1996 - 00 David Harth H, 1996 - 00 David Harth

hey what’s up?

the sky

the elevator

the bird

the crane

the building

the cloud

the sign

the erection

the statue

the kite

the balloon

the life

the angel

the melon

the thought

the higher one

the jumper

the plane

the dream

the desire

the picture

the frame

the sun




© 1997 David Greg Harth

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