N, 1996 - 00 David Harth N, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Negative One

Silver blacks

Blue eyes


Turkey vultures


Brain scientists

Industrial designers


Government officials


State vans

Archive dreamers


Monkey researchers


Storm surroundings

Jesus followers


Art creators


1 + 4 + 1 = 1 (And Mostly -1)



© 1998 David Greg Harth additions)

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A, 1996 - 00 David Harth A, 1996 - 00 David Harth


We go up and down

Cattle sheep on escalator gunk

They do the Sarajevo shuffle

As we ignore them behind closed doors


A man stands doing nothing

With his baggage

Staring at space

As slow walkers make my rage


Ego maniacs beat their girlfriends

Bloody messes found by cops, pigs and rabbits

Forbidden fruit bitten by Iowa girls

Skinned for my own viewing pleasure


It’s an absolute drug

Needed daily for the sick boys

Brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes, we all like red eyes!


Let’s get down

Let’s boogie

Come on under




(Gold Fish arches

 Cowboy Roy


 Rented tuxedos)



Go to the Avenue


Go make an appointment


Go stand in line



  I think I like ya!




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Drinking myself to sleep

I pull down the shades

Have a glass of scotch.


I forget about the women

Yesterday’s lack of sun

And look forward to the music I will hear tomorrow


Take pills for the pain

But still bend over into my fetal position

To heal my internal bleeding


I fall dead asleep




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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O, 1996 - 00 David Harth O, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Oma and Opa

Intrepid trips and the mountains of the concord

Lake George and my first home cooked meal after Neuro

Drawings saved and cherished memories explored

Hanukkah mensch and false teeth

Jump with sister and battle ships and swords

Cardboard oats cars and super 8 lighting

Family of black elephants and looking at the field

Squirrel parks and peanut feeding

Cupped hands and locked doors

Green carpets and curved couches

Rockefeller Christmas and Empire State

Hugs kisses and the warmth I’ve never had

Fresh Chocolate Chip cookies, sprinkles too

Pineapple chicken and first night dinners

Videotaping U2 as I grow

Hershey’s chocolate milk and canned pears

The beach box fighting man

Never forget the Ten Dollar story left on a park bench

Museums and matchbox cars

Parades and snoopy

Dip of a chair, relax and lean back

Corned Beef deli sandwiches and a car driver

Not telling them what to do

Large flushing toilets

Opera singers and little David upstairs playing

Finding places, meeting people, aging with beauty

Mints and M&Ms if I dress right

Proud and pride that come from the heart

Poetry and perspective

Corners have light and the sisters were shot

Holocaust avoided, conquered, escaped, effected, affected

Past the surgeries, the pace, the cancer, the hearts, the loss

Sewing buttons and holes galore

Stories told and always shared, some hidden

Photographs explored, taken, remembered

Two short ones, one time I once shorter

Unconditional love - If I am so dare to say





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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Q, 1996 - 00 David Harth Q, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I create an organic abstraction

While dog bomb squads are masturbating with the gods

And sky devils with protecting hearts are quick-draws


Exploding plastic is inevitable

Surrounded by Cuban Dens,

Eastern Heroes, and World Dominators


Several Moments

Occurring in time

To repeat itself

On hold.





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Rabbits (Version #2)




Cubed in a matter of time

Lucky in my pocket

How about yours?




Heavy Duty rappers

Mother fuckers




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Mother fucker

You see me in the sack

Your Dead black and white rabbit reds!


You mother fucker

You see me in the hay

You lighted my ass, it’s so grey!!


Lucky stiff - see mine




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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D, 1996 - 00 David Harth D, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Dance of Love

Walking away

Taking you by the hand

Killing rabbits driving by

Thousands subjected by blood


It’s Christ who is preventing

Yorkers are telling me I’m going to Hell

I love you

Really, I love you


How to express it

How to find it

I’m taking you by the hand

I can repeat

I’m entitled

Let’s have sex



Devour me

Sink on me

And show me your inner light

Pour some golden honey down your back

Glide, slide and feel your inside



The times are mammoth

This town, I’ll get out of

No one said anything

When I put a gun up against my head


I love you

I do

It’s Christ who stands in the center

It’s God who is the devil

It’s me who you see, you fuck you like to draw on your April birthdays

It’s Valentine’s day

And you think you know my rap

Mother fucker

You just fucked your mother

Political bullshitter

I think I’ll be the baby sitter

I love you.




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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D, 1996 - 00 David Harth D, 1996 - 00 David Harth


witchcraft taxes

whirlwind cyclops of Cassidy kids

dumfounded complex glass dusters


inject me with lost blood of

your period slash soul

question authority after the fuckers

bend my metal brain plates


deflower my fluid and suck out my protein levels

spinal tap screw driver me 13 times twice

fetal neuro and nurse me to

better times

because I love you


calendar years and days pass

I’ll be a cure for your horrors

and blow my raw head off

to save your thoughts from puberty dreams

and maggot pussy holes

upon grandmother’s Chinese carpet




© 1998 David Greg Harth Broadway NYC

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G, 1996 - 00 David Harth G, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Ghosts (Version #2)

I am rapacious

and cannot be penetrated or thought about

Those who do tend to be defunct

Straight jacket tuxedo boys and gals

Laughing gas chambers

of ghosts come and gone





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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G, 1996 - 00 David Harth G, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Dark cloudy skies

Open and come overcast

My eyes begin to water


Ringing Church bells

Lovers getting wed

Making love in honeymoon suites


God watching over

Telling me

And guiding my destiny


Tears rolling down

Make me silent

Through my own twists



© 1998 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

A First Possible Attempt At A Poem For Jack

Resistful junk

wish I had a backyard bunk

I think I thunk

it’s going to duck

Be around dark midnight

it’s just about my luck

not to get any maid fuck

to make a damn American buck!

a roo - wish I wore

a tutu


fee fi foe thumbs

is that peat moss I smell?


Be pod lows

Come around low dying crows

Here seed med shows

Lice cauliflower hoes

Be fi fiddle diddle toes

Tickle me torture me

silly goose woes


Temple dimple in a hippo

Surround my buttocks upon your nipple

Could it be pleasure

or just a quadruple

or just a round-a-bout

table topple?


Doodie foodie times - keedy

Sans, sands, so and serifs

Big small and neatly

How I wonder what you are

and if you really are that far!!!




© 1998 David Greg Harth


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H, 1996 - 00 David Harth H, 1996 - 00 David Harth


With tightly clamped teeth,






© 1998 David Greg Harth

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F, 1996 - 00 David Harth F, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Freshly Cut Grass

It’s going to be okay

I smell the fresh cut grass


I love it when I hear

The lawn mowers across the street

Right before the school day


The scent of the new grass

Giving birth to my passages


Afternoon Saturdays and morning hours

Filled with lawn mowers

Across the neighborhood


After school with Scooby-Doo and fruity snacks

Vibration and gasoline love


The sound of lawn mowers

Telling me that every thing

Is going to be all right


Reminded of childhood

Forgetting the now

Traveling back in time

To crushes, child’s play, and freedom of toys




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Two Little Children

Two little children

One boy, one girl


Brother and sister

Around age four


The little girl wears

a small denim blue dress


While the little boy is in

a special-forces uniform


They chase each other

running around

with screams of happiness and joy


Stopping at every corner

to explore their interests

and feed their curiosity


The little girl sings songs

and hums tunes

of cartoon shows


While the little boy

shoots his make-believe handguns

at imaginary enemies


Both in tune with each other

yet existing in external worlds

as a happy brother and sister




© 1998 David Greg Harth @ NYC Lincoln Tunnel

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D, 1996 - 00 David Harth D, 1996 - 00 David Harth

duck duck dye today

death is only a matter of time

created by your own thoughts

of adventure

and bi-products

of mankind so-called corporate relationships


duck can be found on canal

just a way from 296 past the restaurant machinery stretch

kansas knows what i talk about

on occasion


it’s the greatest

the most possible

that split second, its alive


grey skies over tone

cartoons of refreshed coffee brews

avenue west of london memories

and numbers inside humid times


burning cigarettes

proving love and vitamin c

beach bundles exploring inns

coming together

dinner times

how much is that?


light magic

complicated on her breasts

in the bottom of my mind

my lips tied together

stapled with rusty school bikes


protected over

not giving in

hiding the want of malcolm x blvd

and putting on girlie underwear

showering tests

so happy to take a normal one

after those bad meds



© 1998 David Greg Harth @ NYC

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth



is what they are

in september rain


pouring down

television screens

remembering being made last winter



for memory purposes

silent corners

call me in jamaica

when you’re done

and finished


baby wake up

feel the coke machine at your side

the cold waters

feet by my side


stupid people

september falls

exotic part-places

come next door

let’s do laundry, wash socks

I’ll lock the door

and have a bowl of Cheerios

as you take your helicopter ride




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Sacrifice (Version #1)

I was walking in a straight path. In a field of golden grass. Looking up at

the orange sun in late evening and I heard the sun talk to me.


The sun said, “You know what to do, right?”


Astonished at the sun that spoke to me, “What?” I asked.


The sun spoke again “You shall put down your works and wrap barbed wire

around your thinning neck.”


Confused with a questioned look, I see razor sharp barbed wire just to the

left of me. Its slightly hidden in the tall swaying grass. Its rusty

serpent curves out onto my approaching path. I pick it up cautiously and

wrap it around my thinning neck. There was enough barbed wire to wrap

around my neck three times, and I do so. Each time the razors dig deeper

and deeper into my neck. Carving puncturing holes for flies to slaughter

and lay larva in. I continue walking with my warm red blood dripping down

my thinning neck.


“You have done wise,” the sun speaks to me.


In my path I walk and I can hear the sounds of drums and hand-made

instruments being played in the back of my head.


The barbed wire digs into my flesh with every step I take and my eyes begin

to close in thought of what I am doing. I wonder why lions have not

followed my blood trail or smelt my fear.


I question the sun, “What is this all about? Why did you have me do this?”


A few shadows pass by and then the sun replies, “Because you are an

important one, one who survives many moons, and protects children from the

uniformed dreams.”


Not fully understanding what the sun meant, I gave a perplexed look and

glanced toward the top of the sky at the sun. I heard nothing so I

continued on my chosen path between the blades of gold.


By blood now dribbles less, more cold - than warm. The sun is completely gone

now and the full moon guides my path. Although my path is no longer that of

golden grass, but now of grey rocks. I am climbing upwards, in this path of

rocks and flowing water. The moonshine reflects on the barbed wire wrapped

around my neck.


I hear voices. Yelling and horrible screams, but all very faint.

Disappeared children, stolen from their beds at night while dreaming. That’s

what it must be, that’s what I hear.


My path gets steeper now. And I miss the sun’s voice who spoke to me

earlier with sweet orders. Rock climbing, I notice my feet are bare. All

this time my feet have been naked? I don’t remember. I thought I had soles

before, but I suppose I was wrong.





After the nights walk, which seemed for many generations, I got to the top

of my rocky mountain. The altitude delivered fresh air and I could hear

hawks echoing in the valley distance. I stood still with barbed wire around

my neck, which now have carved black holes deep into my throat.


The east was bringing the sunrise. Slowly the same orange sun from earlier

rose into the thinning sky. Oranges and reds and yellows it brought up from

the other side of the land.


As it continued to rise, the sun finally spoke, “Now you shall walk forward,

close your eyes and progress...”


In my puzzle of my own thoughts, I knew if I were to walk forward I would

fall off the rocky mountain. Not understanding the sun’s intentions, I

begin to question the sun, “Why?”


The sun continued, “...for the children...do it for the children...”


With my right foot forward I step, I leap, I progress. I saved.





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

I Am

I Am Sold.

I Am Corporate.

I Am Used.

I Am The Devil.

I Am Now.

I Am All Your Ears.

I Am A Number.

I Am A Meaning.

I Am Here.

I Am Sighted.

I Am Improved.

I Am Welcomed.

I Am Cut.

I Am Raw Fed.

I Am Recent.

I Am Breakfast.

I Am Clothed.

I Am Devoured.

I Am Feeling.

I Am Thinking.

I Am Someone’s.

I Am An Eyebrow.

I Am Exploring.

I Am Time.

I Am An Event.

I Am Silence.

I Am A Hostage.

I Am Stolen.

I Am Machinery.

I Am A Navel Fetishist.

I Am Sinking.

I Am Deeper.

I Am Destroyed.

I Am New Material.





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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