T, 1996 - 00 David Harth T, 1996 - 00 David Harth


B01, taken, contracted


B03, taken, extracted




B07, painted, felt-up


B09, revolted, taken


B11, changed

B12, taken, changed, better

B13, taken, returned


B14, misplaced

B15, (B), taken, new

B16, created, currently

B17, taken, because






B23, me


B25, taken, first, quarter, cents


B27, I love you


B29, taken, remind me later


B31, exchanged, taken, taken


B33, taken, possible





B38, 2nd


B40, taken, long




© 1998 David Greg Harth @ 296 nyc

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N, 1996 - 00 David Harth N, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Never Again

Never Again


Will I make midnight cab rides

To underplayed Stevie Wonder fans

To fall in love with them

And rush back home


To wash up

Go to sleep

And bite my lips

To bed


Never Again


Will I repeat digits for those who want

Company and profit

Under black and blue skies


Or roll around in comfort

To be watched by hidden eyes

Behind locked doors


Never Again


Will I work up the courage

To tell you the truth

And share my friendship


And to tell you when it’s time to go

When I’m tired

And when i will dive off building tops


Never Again


Will my love be lost

Or my time be spent

With you


Because you are a waste of time

And you make me cry

And huddle in the puddles I create


Because you are not real

And you make me mad

And make my stomach spin


Never Again


Will I be your belly dancer

Or proud pounder

Or teacher


Never Again


Will I catch you

Protect you

Or save you


Never Again




© 1998 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 1515 NYC

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M, 1996 - 00 David Harth M, 1996 - 00 David Harth

My Cat

I was driving my cat

From New York to New Jersey

Just across the border


He usually meows and cries

A lot

On these mysterious trips


But this time he was silent


Did not say anything


It was a short trip

Only lasting four minutes

Or so


Listening to “Running to Stand Still”

And “With or Without You”

While sticking my finger

Into my cat’s ‘kennel cab’


Still, my cat would not meow

Nor would he rub his face

Or body against my fingers


He was eerily silent

And I knew something was odd



The music playing

No meowing

No touching

I knew my cat was dead


I felt happy and sad

He wanted to be with me

When he died


He tried so hard

His tired old body

Waiting to be with me

One last time


I was prepared

To end my trip in New Jersey

And take my cat

Out of the car


And cradle his soft

Not yet stiff


In my arms


Looking up towards the sky

Embracing on of the rare beings

I will have ever loved.





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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D, 1996 - 00 David Harth D, 1996 - 00 David Harth



I think of needs

And want the wants

But when it comes down to the simplicity of it all

Its so difficult to just be

So I wind down the clock

Take it back

Fix up the drugs

Give myself the injection

And think about her

I rank on the thoughts

Contemplating it all

The worlds collide

And the wonders keep up the juxtaposition

She says shes not the devil

She does not torture me

But I know the facts

She is just a playboy spinner

I sit quietly in the corner

So when I come up

One day

She'll say hello

In a different kind of way

© 1998 David Greg Harth

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Would, Could, Should

I would have kissed your lips

   If I could


I would have explored your sensual navel

   If I could


I would have nibbled on your sexy ears

   If I could


I would have sucked on your nipples

   If I could


I would have shown you the beauty all around us

   If I could


I would have walked hours around the sights

   If I could


I would have shown you the midnight sunrise

   If I could


I would have devoured the passion

   If I could


I would have taken you down under

   If I could


I would have poured my soul into you

  If I could


I would have lit warm candles

  If I could


I would have been with you

  If I could


I would have held you

  If i could



Should I have?




© 1998 David Greg Harth Hollywood Diner NJ Hollywood Diner NJ

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R, 1996 - 00 David Harth R, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Ruth, The Truth, Bob, and The 3-Fingered Man (Talk This, Talk That: Revisited)

It’s happened once again

thirty fives flirtn’


I don’t mind, I’m just goin’ with the jive



Her red hair cascading down

And bright red lipstick


Spilling wine on her Asian white dress

Right on her breasts

I’m looking down

at her form

and her modeling hands

Her tight twad tits

as Hacked duck is being served


She drops her tickets

I bend down

Glancing at her legs

Upwards towards her pussy

or maybe just her number


She thinks I want a lay

When all she is, is a drunk

A dumb mother fucker

in an art world she shouldn’t be in


I ask her to model

Thinking about the cauliflower

She cringes at the words I mouth

Makes a face and two and three


I discover her insides

By slipping up her skirt

She admits to me

I leave with my Sam Adams

and say...

“You are a FUCKIN’ RACIST!!”


leaving just okay

Drinking along

Observing the owns

All I have to say

Is goodbye today


Give me the dough

Give me the crackers, the cheese, the grapes

Let’s have a black party

a black tie

I am an artist

I’m going to die


She wanted my cock

She wanted his

But she didn’t want Bobs

And that’s what bothered me that night


She wanted two youngin’s

To wrap her aged legs around

Pumping cocks

but all she got

was a bit of reality

as we were ‘insecure’


I put on my pleasure

and held my bible

remember her fish tails

walk out gleaming

of confusion, lust, and joy


I say fuck you

Go to hell




© 1998 David Greg Harth

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Turn up the radio


Turn on the tube






Washed away

Visit me


And pay my bail.




© 1998 David Greg Harth NJ

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W, 1996 - 00 David Harth W, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I know I’m a martyr

With huge concrete walls

Grid steel plates

And outward planks


I’m Lucifer

I bring you hell

Open up my mind

And look under my eyelids


What do you see, scurrying along?

Controlling my thoughts

Entering and exiting

My existence?


Lift me up

See all the womyn

Turning my gears

Using cement to tear down a wall


The chisel stays aside

The hammer stays aside

The womyn climb and fall

The men scale and break their necks


It’s a fort that cannot be told

A prison that I’m forever trapped in

Even though

I wish to dance every dance with you


Take my chains off

Watch my muscles be pulled by the womyn

I want to make (edited) with you

In the midnight sun


My head spins

Full of womyn

And artistry men

Fathers and ghosts

And long last brothers

Climbing water towers


Until I dive



Crying alone

Beauty lives within

Secret lies

And plains for buffalos to roam


Burning inside



© 1998 David Greg Harth NJ

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A, 1996 - 00 David Harth A, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I remember your albino hair

And gaze you gave me

Your over the shoulder shrugs

Filled of straps


You and your vanilla-cherry lips

I devour so much

The bites at your neck

And the nights shooting stars


We can puncture our veins together

And take the fake drug underneath the docks

By the cold gulf waters

As war rages on across seas


Let’s unzip and let go

Surrendering to the darkest times

Nightmares about losing teeth

And straddling around my waist; dentistry


Boxing fights, Mighty Joe Young and Family re-runs

It’s all old news to me, making me erect

For numerous albinos in the fields

Taking a cab, a dollar tip


Making it fair

And don’t believe, just a lie

Making it hot and squishy

For a little while ..

just a bit


Twiddle Dee - Twiddle Dum

Feeling woozy, I think I’ll get drunk like a bum


Albino throbbing

Hard for you

Poetry is dead

Art is dead

and so are you...

and so are you.....




© 1998 David Greg Harth @ 505NJ/(WS@NYC)

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U, 1996 - 00 David Harth U, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Breath of sadness

Stolen by thieves

And gruesome vultures

Pumped bass

And mechanical inhumanity

Opaque surfaces

Manual pleasure

Longing for fresh squeezed OJ

being a professional unhappier




© 1998 David Greg Harth -> NYC Flt#1874

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A, 1996 - 00 David Harth A, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Angel X

I’m an angel

You introduced me to God

Held my hand as I entered God’s realm


You followed me in

Took care of my needs

And then you took my beauty away

My dreams

My thoughts


You raped me of possibility

And erased my doubt

You had brought me to God

But now I see

God is dead

And business is alive


You will fuck me

Perhaps up the ass


But you will not

Never will you


Destroy me



© 1998 David Greg Harth @ Tampa -> NYC Flt#1874

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M, 1996 - 00 David Harth M, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Moon Abuse

I send you my apology

My deepest one

I’m sorry, moon

I have abused you


I was unaware

Of your actual beauty

The passion that you possess

The sensuality you share


I’m sorry that I abused you,


There is nothing too compare

You are a mighty peace

For all to enjoy and hold

Not just for me

To abuse


Please accept my deepest sorrow

For I was blind to your power

Romanticism and truth


I’m sorry moon,

But I have abused you...





© 1998 David Greg Harth -> NYC Flt#1874

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S, 1996 - 00 David Harth S, 1996 - 00 David Harth


I’m shattered

My self-scattered across

This heartless land

This desolate place


I say goodbyes

And give away my gold

And dance to the

Hammer tunes


My pretend dreams



And stolen


Dead grandmother’s

Rolling and turning

In their graves

Because it’s just you and me



I’ve received signs

I’ve fortified and

Made adjustments

To accept

And pretend


I may be shattered

But I’ll never be destroyed


Every time I fuckin go

I just realize

And I stand by my beliefs

I don’t believe in love

It’s just imaginary

A fuck for false fighters


My love is for you


But when you fuck around

You kill me


It hurts

But you have NOT destroyed me





© 1998 David Greg Harth St Petersburg Florida Reddington Beach

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E, 1996 - 00 David Harth E, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Eye Burn

My eyes are burning

Sleep deprived

Being silly

All I can do

Listen to you

Hear your beauty

Think about your soul

Your voice

Your lips


My eyes are burning

I’m tired tonight

Early hours of my flight

Writing poetry

Thinking about you

The night is young

I’ve just begun


My eyes are burning

I see my reflection

Blue coast wars

And coastal museums

Stark naked I stand

On the web to bed


My eyes burn

And burn

Oh, so strongly

I’m going to be silly

Be with me


And my willy!!







© 1998 David Greg Harth

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J, 1996 - 00 David Harth J, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Jacksun Polluck (Talk This, Talk That Revisited #2)

dun dun - dun dun - dun dun

dun dun dun


Jacksun Polluck

My potluck


Feel a bit Warholee?

Prime time colour Me!


Pin stripes

Smokin' pipes


Velvet girls of 4teen

Loosing feathers, what I mean


Elegant arrogant

She is so hesitant


Gracias Do

It meanta lot for me to go


8 Cathedrals and 1 Trojan Horse

In my pocket of course


Ice protector

Erection for her


Flat chested fake marriages

And cheetah languages


The sequence man, or warrior, or queer

Tongue Red-framed glasses showing no fear!


HOLY CRAP!! What nice leggs! (advert)

She makes me hurt!


Lady bare back

I'm gonna have a heartattack


Romantic wood

I'd be serious, if I could


Some gay boys

And girl toys


Plastic surgery

King of imagery


Lighted memory

Enchanted glamoury


Blue tunes

Cigar log flumes


Orange Man crossing my path

Just after the noon bath


Old busy poppy bags

Salt & Pepper hags


Blue eyes, blue dress - contact

I've been backed



What the fuck is that!? -

   That string around your neck!

Round-a-bout cat! -

   You look like a fuckin' wreck!




“Is it Beauty, or is it Art?”

“It's Art”

“Can they both co-exist with eachother?”


“Something to think about...”




Purple pusher, fuzzy man, sexy status, beg me tun, rafoss spiffy

tuxedo warrants, maniac laughter, Egyptian short tight silver skirts






PoeticK jazz

& jazz rain




dance to the jazz

the jazz

the jazz .....





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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D, 1996 - 00 David Harth D, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Dollar For A Dream

Why did you bend down towards me?

Show me your cleavage?


And how do you do that trick

And spin your necklace around and around

Your charm falling between your breasts?


Why do you do that?

Flaunt and tease me

Putting handcuffs on my warm hands

And make my heart full of a snake’s cold blood?


And how do you cast shadows

And make the darkest night darker

How come my depth is only commercial to you

Yet you can reveal your inner self

Infront of me with your tits?


Why is it when I mention real English

You shutter at the thought of what I say?

Why do you do that?

And question my origin?


How come you can leave it open

Or close it

But when I come in

It does not exist?


How come the power that can be seen

And the mirage that can be felt

May seem to me

Just a fake orgasm?

Just a time that I want to hold onto forever?


Why do you do that?

Why do you shove your breasts in my face

If I have not given you a dollar

for a dream?





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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I, 1996 - 00 David Harth I, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Imagine (My Heart)

I want you to imagine

Just for a moment

Imagine I’m taking out my heart

I’m pulling the pulsating muscle

Out through my breast bone

Out through my chest

I pull out my heart

And place it on the table beside me


I want you to imagine

My heart still beating

On the table it sits

With holes and gorges in it

And punctures and concave valleys

All these dents and bruises

For all those who pretended to display


I want you to imagine

My heart on this table

And I want you to imagine

What is in my hands


In my hands I hold destruction

I pour gasoline on my heart

And light the pulsing wonder to flames

I burn it to a crisp

Blackened and charcoaled

It still beats


Imagine with me

I take out a six-inch knife

And stab the still throbbing heart

Continuously over and over

I sever the heart multiple times

With liaisons spreading rapidly

It continues to beat


Still not complete

I take a .38 and aim

Shooting bullets through the heart

Through the wild beast that beats so rapidly

The heart still beats


I want you to imagine

I take that burnt, stabbed, shot


And I stretch open my chest

And carefully place it back

To its secret chamber


I want you to imagine

For only a moment



©1998 David Greg Harth

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G, 1996 - 00 David Harth G, 1996 - 00 David Harth


Saying goodbye

My heart is closed

Sealed forever


Because what you have done

You all, out there

My heart is dead

Suffocated to lifelessness


You have destroyed myself

Are you happy now?

You have taken down my fortress

And the thorns which protect


I’m saying goodbye

To nothing we had

I’m saying goodbye

To the angels in the sky


Harps are playing

I hear them with my adaptations

My love for you was always there

Even though I was unaware


You have killed me

And made me flat on this planet of dust

And leftover distributed feelings


I’m saying goodbye

To your ignorance

Your pathetic behavior

Your lack of lust


I’m saying goodbye

To all of you

On this autumn day


And I put the blade away

Just to give you one more chance



© 1998 David Greg Harth

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B, 1996 - 00 David Harth B, 1996 - 00 David Harth

Beautiful White Dove

I have never danced with you

Or embraced you during one


I have never moved close to you

Beneath a starlit midnight


I have never made love to you

Beside warm glowing candlelight


Seeing you in my mind


I become a child

And bitter at my lips

Feeling you pound at my heart

Making my temperature rise


I have never known you

Or invited you to meet my grandparents


I have never cooked a gourmet dinner for you

Or gone with you to the theatre


I have never brought you flowers

Or received flowers from you


Feeling your heartbeat

Next to mine

As I sleep through the night


All I can do is dream

Dream of you

The dreams I forget

At first daylight


I have never held your hand

Or tightly hugged you to soothe


I have never eaten dessert with you

Or smile in the photobooth


I have never felt so close

Or distant in an imaginary land


Smelling your scent

On your skin and in my memory

You drive me wild

And make me believe

In things I only dreamed of


I have never painted your portrait

With wonderful colors


I have never washed your hair

In the steamy shower



I have never seen the sunset with you

Under orange and red skies


Hearing your voice

Vibrate in my head

Making my joy rise

And wanting myself to get up

Each and every day


I have never walked through the leaves with you

Or lay beside a fireplace


I have never phoned late at night to talk with you

Or film our holiday


I have never sat beneath the 4th of July fireworks with you

Or glide a romantic rose on your body


Touching your skin

Your lips and eyelashes

Nose to nose

I’ll never forget

How soft you are


And this is why you are mine

My beautiful white dove





© 1998 David Greg Harth

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