Midnight we hear their laughter
Noon we remember their cries
And taste their foreign tears
Late afternoon I smelt her in the air
Waves coming over me, pulsating perfume
And taste my youth of trapped dreams
Late June the end is near
Beginning July, they all forget and I crawl
August I’m in heat
September rain comes the fall
Man slipping off a roof’s edge
As the English sip their tea
October I recall
November I don’t thank you for killing my natives
December we get drunk and wonder
Go on to the next promising year
And depression sets on those days
Of holiday wonder we die
Midnight we hear their laughter
Noon we remember their cries
And taste their foreign tears
Beginning years of January, we stand the bitter cold
February we get lost in love of hallmark and the red zone
Which is not my erogenous zone
March we come out and pop and die under sunshine
April glitz and maple gritz
May suck me up
And become an interviewee
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 1515 nyc
Without You
I saw the thorn twist in your side
And I was so revolted that there was a thorn in your thigh
I just had to lean over
And relieve myself of this morning’s breakfast
And I realized
I can live without you
And I can’t live with you
How can I go on with you if you have a damn thorn in your thigh?
Why don’t you go to the dermatologist and have that removed?
You gave yourself away and you still expect me to be with you?
That’s insane.
And then on top of that and your thorn in your thigh
You tied my hands up like a silly S&M director
I couldn’t win
You always lost
It was kind of like a tie, like my hands.
You thorny whore!
Go back for some more!
© 1999 David Greg Harth
harth, being silly
Stolen Cream
Before the rush came. Before the Christie’s men in black escorted the collectors, the rich, the famous, the infamous, and the wasted, with umbrellas from the extended cars on the rainy street to the covered building of thousands, I ran. I swiftly ran inside, all dressed in artists attire; black pants, black shirt, black shoes, black ski mask, as fast as I could, I ran. Swiftly with a gentle crowbar in black-gloved hand, I ran to the center. There in the glass case at waist height was the magnificently lit art. Flesh toned rubber and silk blues and yellows with laser guided video for my home entertainment system. With a flash and a crack I smashed the thin, yet elegant, glass covering. No one in sight, not a soul hears the breakage, the symbols, I smash. With my huge powerful downward motion, one swoosh of angry art and emotion. The glass broken, not a cut, not a curve, not a cream. I leave the flesh and satin and silk and flowers alone. Today I just grab the disc. The secret code, the pleasure dome, and provide you all with video cameras on this advertising day! As swiftly as I ran in, I run out. With laserdisc under my arm and crowbar swinging overhead, like a wild boar from Lord Of The Flies, or a huge black King-Kong, I run. Straight pass the umbrella sculptures waiting to come alive, I run into the darkness to bootleg my way to stardom, to surrender to the darkness, to deface Picasso and become an art thief of my own obsession.
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 New York City
It’s my style
Feel the cologne rubbing on my thigh
New wave hair-dos
I wanna be traveling at speed
Passing through, going to the underground
Subway passageway
It’s not my way of life
But I’m committed with my hard work
And saving attitude
Time and Time and Time
To everything, Turn, Turn, Turn
Left foot my bed
Made me deliver for you
The orange man knows
Number six downtown
Mr. Noisy
Mr. Tonight
Ms. Sexy
Ms. Mix
Dollar fifty
I’ll write a letter
My time is worth more than three minutes
Of an eighteen-minute session
Because I’ve just been used
Brush around
I blush
See the big vein pop in my forehead
For come
It’s my swagger
A jack-o-lantern
A red ruby lipstick
Purple added
Red down there
Stainless steal
Took and stole
Drum beat
And passion
On forever
Death to the maids
The cross-dresser vacuum cleaners
I’m bleeding at my side
I took the gun from your bathroom
And now I hold it in front of your face
We hear sirens in the background
I drop to my knees
But No
I’m better than you
With a gun pointed at you
You taught me well
But I’m not you
© 1999 David Greg Harth
He is Witnessitis
He painted his fingers
He will wait for the sheep to come to him
He likes the smell of fresh baked bread
He wishes to dine with her at that silver place
He rides a bike
He conquers cities
He owns a gun that he does not wish to use
He dies every day
He is in heat
He strays from the junkies and thieves
He hears people tell him that he is a manipulator
He walks the streets full of subconscious persons
He is not prestige enough
He must take photographs
He is gay, he is an artist, he writes poetry, he must be gay
He lasts with a golden flower
He paid his dues
He has no best friend
He drives a Porsche
He develops his own drugs
He is an angel
He has curiosity that kills him on corners
He has not been mugged
He crosses the street in front of speeding cars
He cleans up his city
He is full of noise and quietness
He will beat the living shit out of you if you fuck up
He would die for a friend or any other being
He loves to read
He eats language for breakfast
He was the one that started the fire
He can take the blame
He smelt death
He bashed his head on four nails on a locked door to say peace nightly
He danced to the punk scene for inspiration
He has a heavy lord
He melts like burnt buffalo
He is new year’s special
He laughed at serious love
He created a symphony with blood and semen
He was taught
He left suddenly and unexpectedly
He never gave the tape to each one
He chained her down
He floated
He became your memory
He carved the orange tree
He thought of a new ism in his itis
He is an important witness
© 1999 David Greg Harth
I hate the drifters
That come from city to city
Hole to hole
They just come here to steal, absorb and conquer
They dig their trenches
And bury us in our flooded redness
And felt up like a hell-hole
Of under represented
Not respected twenty-eights
Those fuckers
The nerve of them
Giving me unordered spinal-taps
Making me have oral condensation
Listening to star
They come and go
Travel on
But I don’t need them
Or you
Because you abused
You used
You are a drifter
I hate those drifters
In and out they come
They never stay a while
For a cup of English tea
They take away our teddy bears
No try-ons, just thieves
Everyone is like a walking sarcophagus
Filled with freshly read newspapers
They borrow and burrow deep down inside
They don’t get to know
The take and never give
Those drifters
The just spend your money
And waste your time for some delight
And leave out the back door
With your warm towel
Damn drifters.
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 @ 296 @ 1515
it’s in, it’s out
a twist of lime
a fruit drink inside
a wonder bread
a tornado head
a cold rain
a pouring drain
it’s time to go
down and about
red, orange, green and blue
howling wind
no dust in my teeth
bite my lip
i bite my lip
take you up
towers of lust
desire a must
on top of that temple
steps to the holy one
never take one
a cherry tree
drop yours tonight
love birds in sight
wanted and believed
greys between
living colors
no waisted horrors
smart time
to my chime
it’s a wanted one
a soul of two
a connected pair
its time little frog
webbed feet
duck your head
under counter
it’s time to be a lemon
a grateful sin
a dead pig
drowning meat
no vegetables in the heat
i am in need
for that lovey speed
smoke it up
junk it up
punk it up
fill me up
i am in need
for that lovey speed
deal me a drug
flow me up inside
cover me in white
all over; i wont bite
they fly like jets
red, white, & blue
skies in russia
skies in america
japan & zealand
guatemala & fruit lands
they fight like army men
warriors of hell
painted faces; portraits of heroes
it’s a shoot
captain, a cigar
rip down the road
a drag mobile
wind turning
dog barking
zoom in
zoom out
it’s about that time
out - and - about
i am in need
for a cold rain
and a pouring drain
it’s time to go
down and about
beach ball play
womyn in suits
men in sun-tan
palm beach springs
and new orleans
lima, I sinka your marina
beauty, no queen, ill split your spline
no more
time to go
split out
colors about
i need some
big bang
fighter plane
above and beyond
no place to go
run in
run out
zoom about
it’s time to become a monument
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 31 NYC @ 1515 NYC @ 296 NYC
Taste the divine tears
Feel the thorns that grow inside
Sink your toes into the sand
Relax with lemonade as the sun sets on the bay
Play hide-and-seek with me
Frolic on the beach and between the palms
Jingle in the nude and be jolly in the moonlight
And the cascading shadows over the night ocean
Look at yourself in the mirror
Standing and looking and passionate
Do something different
Runaway and escape
Stay in your stillness
I’m painting your portrait
On my canvas and embracing your image
In my mind of lust
Kissing your navel
The ocean breeze travels across our bodies
Tracing your curves with a purple rose
To escape in the ocean of beauty
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ nyc usa (1515) @ nyc usa (296)
I’m laughing at you
I’m laughing at you
As the clock ticks away
Timing going by
Traveling through the space that we bend
And soap up the experience
I’m laughing at you
Because you are blind
And dance alone on the parquet floor
Scented like a purple rose of earthly delight
I’m laughing at you
When the children play on the rusty swing set
On the park bench I wait
And you only pretend in the rain showers
I’m laughing at you
As you giggle in your sleep
And wake up to the sunrise of yesterday
And wonder if he had lied and if I was right
© 1999 David Greg Harth
Tuesday & Wednesday
The sun sets and rises with you everyday
Your beauty is burnt into my memory bank
The bank that gets robbed but you are in the safe
Locked in forever
On 8th avenue way, all the men check me out
Look me up and down
Check out my package and cute face
I can get any one of them
Where are the women that ache my heart?
Where do they hide?
When do they want to ‘pick me up?’
Which avenue do they walk on?
Washington Square park is filled with participants
Useful ones that could have confronted camera artists
And celebrity stars I find on thirty four television stations
Including my nude self in central park
Hey, you, yes you -
Pretty one...
If I tell you to meet me in the park
Where the marble arch is
High noon on my grandmothers sabbath
Would you meet me there?
My heart is knotted
Tied and bolted
To platters passed around from blonde to brunette to red to black
From blue eyes to brown eyes to green eyes
and the grey mystery of my own
I’m coming to New York City
I was born here, there
Post office customers
I’m just a believer with bad credit
Certainty is now still in the concept of a book
That I will never read
So, I guess I don’t know the rules
Maybe you’ll teach, maybe you wont
Maybe I’ll just die in a rocking chair
It’s time to go
Thirst to produce has engulfed my mind
I’ll be inspired by you
Because until I meet you
I won’t be disappointed
Or shot down
Or in an orgasm of truth of my own disbelief
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC
The Gallery/The Artist
A gallery is there so a tree can get cut down to be made into pulp to be made into newspaper so a journalist can write a column on the gallery white-walled opening in the paper so mothers and fathers can read about the naked wine-drunk opening and so the artists can show work on the clean floor and eat dead birds and dish out secret service blow jobs for an ongoing dispute and so someone developed ink to print on and so children can be offended and old grandma will turn over in her grave and mothers won’t support and people get jealous and art wars raid your mind and so people can buy art to appreciate and or possibly just for the hell of it to make a buck we don’t know we only represent be ourselves do the art be the art conflict the art and so tourists have a place to go and view and so culture can see what we think and where we are going and what we will do in trench coats and postage stamps that say Kill All Artists while cardboard thieves line the streets of Broadway to Tampa tribune miles away and the gallery is there for us to meet greet and massage our lonesome feet and shave ourselves clean of the beauty we once knew and to listen to an arch of McDonalds frenzy and creme filled donuts and smokers cars and blue eyes and money and models and chicas and cock fights and luxury cars and hostess cupcakes or airline stewardesses and mighty mighty let’s go play baseball and hit and hit and hit pull the revolver up the bunny rabbit and the gallery didn’t notice those who didn’t laugh but the gallery is there for the artist for the self to be safe to feel like a groovy a musician a poet and parent a human a gatherer a co- you never know or do we with just make a simple phone call the gallery pays bills makes bills is a bill is a bitch is a boredom is a bore is a whore is a heap is deep is dough is divine is wrong is write is right and real and now and here to stay because we chose to go in to be artists to do what we do best and we took an oath to our heart to be all we can be without the army but in our brain our heart we are ourselves and we are artists.
We are artists.
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 1515 NYC
Red Beauty
Rolling thunder passes
Great land of the white one
Pass the magic corn of the earth
To the west of red beauty
Beneath glorious sky
To moon’s daughter
Bleeding hawk intertwines
Among the riching forest
Deep birch, sweet cedar and sturdy oak
Buffalo are roaming to the mighty rivers now
For your beauty I take
And eat your poison and swallow my fire of pride
Share my sacred pipe with your painted face
In these brave summers of thicketed visions
And tongues of stirring ashes
I’ve lost my eagle soaring guide
With pressed hands and clenched fists
My wounded heart pounds as the mountain speaks
With leaves of golden amber
And wild pure water flowing
Chanting of your beauty in passages
Come dance with me in the falling rain
Rain with me
Down promising trails of flames
Singing swallows can be heard
Behind my brothers and sisters
As dawn comes over great brown bear
Your beauty like nothing of this earth
Beating the dirt back to its core
Following the blooming flowers to your footprints
The beauty you shine with
Makes the growing sun and stars fight to reflect upon you
As I imagine my blue eyes upon your breast
The desert becomes hotter as you raise
The holy flames on the land
And take the rainy season to flood lands
Powerful sun beams beat off your beauty
Into the mighty night sky
Showing the overhead night birds a wonder sight
Your beauty shakes the tremendous strong earth
Quite beyond your structure of lust
I sink in the sand to be with you
As your beauty burns and dances like fire
In the minds of myself and my fathers before me
I honor you and give you earth gifts
Silent cuts on palms remind me
The delicate lines of your beauty eyes
Making the smokey signals of my desire
Your beauty quietly escapes the red land
Mounts on top of great blue blankets
And becomes one without me in the darkness
© 1999 David Greg Harth
Mixed Media Killer
Whites killing blacks
Blacks killing whites
Liposuction fat suckas
Believing in god to rescue
Ain’t no Popeye
gonna save our batch
Think I’ll light a match
Littleton snow falling
Wet rain flower graves
Students balling
Publicity suicide stunt
Making bucks for NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN
Just 2 Shot men
Bomb the black kid
Blaming Manson
Wish I hid
Violence in Kosovo
Violence in Colorado
I’d much rather get lost
In the violence in my own head
Trench coat Mafia
Remembrance of Matthew Sheppard I knew
Psychology Today
Preventing your bloody hue
Interviewing the grieving
For America’s rating
The Boss was born here one evening
John’s little pink houses debating
Sawed-off shot guns
Bleeding bones
Crying tears
Swat teams
Children killing children
Imagine my man
in the mirror
Rebel revolutions
Civil revolutions
Student revolutions
Gothic revolutions
Building wars
Destroying guns
No one’s safe
Laughing killers
Ooooooo...Black clothing
Come to New York City
I’ll show you your black
& hate
& god on riverside
You know?
Silent images = $
Silence = death
© 1999 David Greg Harth
One Week
On Sunday
I take you to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
We see van Gogh, Degas, and Turner
We get lost together in their masterpieces
Of strokes, dances and light
We surround ourselves in the art around us
To create our own
We explore each room while re-inventing ourselves
On Monday
After a candle-lit dinner
I take you to the Empire State Building
Right to the tippy-top
To view the world
Our New York City
That we conquered together
With shared secrets and passion
On the top in an embrace
We kiss to the stars above and the midnight lights below
On Tuesday
After the wine down your back
I cuddle you in my arms
As we shower together
Feeling silky wet
With suds pouring down
I wash the slippery inches of your body
From butt to thigh to breast to ear
On Wednesday
We skip work
To where the sun shines daily
And birds fly high
Where flowers bloom beneath
Central park is where we escape today
Frolic in the sun on the meadow
Being with you and exploring
Laying upon your lap, you in mine
Together we relax and wonder
On Thursday
The evening is ours
This night is full of sweetness
From the kisses on your lips to your navel
I lick the honey from your mouth and stomach
To strawberries of today
Following your precious eyes
I take the strawberry to every corner of your body
And nibble nibble tonight
On Friday
The warm day brought us to a gathering tight close
With ice in my hand
I glide down your body through your soul
Upon your every pore
From foot upwards on your leg and inner thigh
Above your pubic mound to your strong navel
Upward glance
Upon your breasts and now stiff nipples
Until the ice reaches your neck
The coldness giving you goosebumps all over
To your lips
Ice and now I kiss
And run my fingers through your hair
And down your back
On Saturday
Quiet with the actions
Too many to exist in our time
Ran around here and there
Shared an ice tea on the avenue
Remembering last night and the night before
I let the water fill up the tub
For you
I sprinkle flowers on the water’s edge and surface
Roses, daisies, tulips, sunflowers, carnations, daffodils, irises, lilies
And leaves of green
Cover your warm bath water
And now you can beautify the world
And take a hot bath in flowers
While I wash your back and your hair
And burn candles on the porcelain surroundings
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 NYC @ 296 NYC
Tired Of Art
I’m tired of art
The lies
The pain
The bullshit
The corporations
The money
The realm
The animals
The courts
The circles
The rich
The poor
The heartbeats
The fakes
The abuse
The sexuality
The performance
I got a phone call
Every little thing is gonna be all right
Now that beauty is in my heart
Even though I realize I’m just dreaming
Perhaps just a wet dream
Or not, I remember grey-haired men
And black-bearded dogs crashing through my window panes
I’m just a piece in the board game
Just pay attention
Watch me grow
Fifteen minutes multiply
We’ll be together
And then I’ll forget you
I love your art
Smakin’ cereal
I’m tired of that art
The art
This art
Their art
Annoyed because you didn’t care
Expressed because who I am, I’m allowed to, I’m permitted
Rejuvenated because of the gallery, the museum, the show, the womyn
In my flame, my heart, my head, my art
Then like a tease in the wind
She comes on to me
Like a tease in the wind
And the night engulfs her, swallows her up
And rapes me of my own dreams
And I’m left with nothing
But my art and I hear Indian music playing
Drum beats
And I see Jesus Christ on the horizon
And I ask him for my forgiveness
For art
Everything for art they tell me
They spend
They erase and take and duplicate and rip-off and cherry-blossom and
virgins and thoughts and tough-guys and homeless and gorgeous and wanna-bes
and anti-Vs and record shops and rainy london gals and new york billies and
downtown billboards and san fran surfers and alaska wives and canadian skies
and concert-goers and builders of pages and destruction stories of my life
come and gone. I still smell her perfume on my wrist.
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 296 @ 296
New York City
I adore you
I worship you
And I sleep in your dreams
Full of life and color
You dance the night away
You go-go
You are a great wrapper
Sweet ebony kisses
Wishing you were purple from a 2-way street
Accepting blooms
West coast promises
If only you were purple from my town
Accepting cash
British accent on a rainy day
If only you were purple dancing in running water
Accepting smooth handful kisses
Bermuda sand spreaders
If only you were purple traveling with me
Accepting moonshine down your bare back
New York City kind of way
If only you were purple from last night’s dead beat
Accepting my eye wink on the park bench
You are a whirlwind
Squeezed tight
And tighter
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 8AVE & 43RD ST @ 296
Restless Pig
Sun-dried tomato
Seltzer wearer
Geek lover
Take it in the rear
Don’t give a little
Pressed up against my face
Heated warrior
Virginia cauliflower
Pea pod
And Santa Monica
I Am America
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ FLT#116
One Way Out
No one allowed in
Not even barbed wire fetishists
Or concrete expansions
No sexy blue-eyes from the West
Not even loving brothers of art
Or inspirational rebels of Sunday
No flexible IV drugs
Not even spinal taps, SPECT scans, and MRIs
Or doctors from Pennsylvania
No pop artists
Not even previous grocery baggers
Or today’s best interest
No women from the womb
Not even from authors of Mars
Or Vietnam writers and golden makers
No papas from hills and trees
Not even superb bombers
Or home-made cookie makers
No more salty tears
Not even a trace and scent
Or a remainder of my existence.
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ FLT#116
Price List
wedding dress: $8,000
health insurance: $350
new car: $27,395
gum surgery: $640
friendship: priceless
call-girl: $200
taxi: $8
train ticket: $58
postage stamp: $.33
phone call: $38
project: $500
one pair of blue jeans: $37
box of cereal: $5
vitamins: $12
airline ticket: $740
cliff house: $300,250,000
service provider: $25
on sale: 2 for 1, 95, 99
grievance: now
colored pencil: $2.95
postcard: $1
magazine: $7
unlimited fare metro card: $63
toll: $4
movie ticket: $9
star event: $125
rip-off for the possible: $850
tuxedo rental: $140
sadness: correct
realistic plastic pleasure: $54
concert ticket: $62
pay check: $500
owed: $12,000
art-write-off: $17
donation: $15
music: gabriel
collection estimate: $40,000
sensible guy: $5
base: over a million
rent: $1,600
modeling fee: $60
toy car: $.99
throat drops: $1.59
a piece of me: for rent
drug co-pay: $5
bottled water: $1.25
© 1999 David Greg Harth NYC
Good Samaritan Of New York
Let me introduce myself..
I’m the Good Samaritan of New York
Here is my story...
I walk around these filthy streets
Filled with dirty scum, pimps, hookers, low-lifes, dead beats, tourists,
great masturbators, Wall St yuppies, freaks, killers, rapists, cops, pigs,
kinkos fuckers, druggies, and myself.
I walk around, probably with a sign on my forehead saying,
“I’m a nice person, ask me for directions.”
Of course, people do all the time, maybe because of my smile, or my frown, I
don’t know.
But they ask me, so I tell them, like a song.
People get in my way, walk into me, bump into me.
They say ‘sorry,’
but damn it, I don’t give a shit - just get the hell out of my fuckin’ way!
I have to walk on the streets
Skipping the sidewalk as the tourists take up their time there
Like California beached whales
Sometimes I pass a homeless bum or drug addict stretched across the
sidewalk. Horizontally, blocking my way and intimidating others. Just the
other day it happened - So I yelled at the guy,
“Get The FUCK UP!,” He rolled over and drooled.
But you see, he’s different than the others.
Some bums are lying dead on the curb. Those, if you are a true New Yorker,
you just pass them.
And go on walking to your destination. Let the Times Square Business
Improvement Wanna-Be Cops deal with the dead. Not me, I have to go -
I passed a guy handing out cards to visit a go-go bar strip joint. He was
on the corner by the newspaper machines - looking odd, looking funny. Then
I realized, the mother fucker had his dick out and he was just pissing on
the street corner in broad busy working daylight!!! That god damn fucker!!!
So, I yelled at him as I passed by - “DON’T FUCKIN’ DO THAT!! – THERE’S A
I was fuckin furious, I’m tired of these assholes pissing all over my
sidewalk - damn it!!! He said something back to me, but my Walkman was on,
so, I didn’t hear the fucker. I should have just whacked him. So I told the
traffic patrol officer about the fucker who was publicly urinating - she
didn’t seem to give a crap - she told me to call the go-go bar and tell
them, then maybe the guy would get fired. Sure. Ticket your cars pig.
And those fucking pissers remind of those spitters. Damn it, if you have to
spit - spit at home or in a tissue or in the garbage can. And don’t fuckin
litter in my city fucker! - There’s a damn garbage can on every corner save
your trash - you live here fucker!
And what’s up with the Budweiser-drinking construction workers who mimic
Asian people who pass them by. Damn it, I should slice their racist throats!
And am I the only good Samaritan here? I throw my trash in the can, piss in
the toilet, spit in a napkin -
Also - how about this, there was a guy on the train, a homeless disturbed man.
I saw him standing in the subway doors next to a young lady sitting. And he
stood there in his own absorbed stench. A smelly fuck. Why - I know, you
ask... Let’s just say, his fly in his pants was open and in his soiled
underpants he praised his erection.
Underneath he went towards his one, you know - and thank goodness he didn’t!! -
But I was prepared - If that bum dare started to stroke away on my subway
I would have gotten up and decked the fuckhead!! I just want you to know, I
was ready!
It’s happened before, numerous female friends suffering from the male pig
masturbating on subway cars....
The other day I passed a bum who asked me for change, I said, “No, sorry,
not tonight”
I then went into the deli next door and got myself a sandwich. Kindness
wrapped around me and i bought another sandwich, drink and chips, not for
me. On my way out down the block I gave the sandwich and goodies to the bum
and he smiled with thankful appreciation.
That’s a good bum.
A few weeks later I was uptown at a deli with a friend. We were eating
inside and I noticed a bum outside on the street, begging for change from
people in their cars. So, with the food I had bought for myself I went
outside to offer it to the homeless man. He denied. That fucker! He wanted
dimes and pennies for alcohol and drugs! Damn it! You try to help the
helpless fucks and it’s just not worth my time!!
and what about this, let me tell you...
Here in New York City, people die. They die because butt fucks in cars don’t
let the fire engines and ambulances through. It’s horrible. So, what do I do?
While others sit with their thumbs up their ass?
When a fire engine has to get through traffic, and beeping and screaming
and blowing its horn, and the moron New Jersey fucks and others block the
road and are deaf to the upcoming death in their cars- I stop the oncoming
traffic. Yes, I do - really. I jump out into the avenue, spread out my arms
and stop traffic, sure, some cars and taxis and trucks try to race thru and
run me over, but I stand my ground, and smack the sides of cars that race by me
and finally, I stop traffic. Because if i don’t do it,
no one will, and if no one does, then the stranger across town
dies because of the inconsiderate fucks here on the road.
I save lives every day, do you?
So, I’m The Good Samaritan of New York.
And that is my story.
© 1999 David Greg Harth @ 1515 New York City @ 296 New York City @ 1515 New York City
All Contents are TRUE